CL Adult sections have been pulled worldwide

"Craigslist has confirmed that it removed its controversial [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]adult [COLOR=#366388 ! important]services [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388 ! important]section[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] from its international sites, Connecticut's attorney general said Tuesday, four months after it did the same for its U.S. sites."

CL has gone the way of the Dodo bird and bowed to the pressures of the right wing christian fundamentals.

Do I dare ask who or what is next?

I hope this is the right spot if not please move it to the right spot.
Omahan's Avatar
Well, Craigslist is a lot more than it's adult sections and had to take that into consideration. I'm sure they will do just fine. Backpage, on the other hand, could be in real trouble when it's their turn.