I'll use these last "two" NO reviews as examples:
Within four hours I get a text from the provider thanking me for my review. She said her phone was ringing off the hook.
Hell this one was even listed as a YES but that didn't change anything. The provider called me telling me that she had decided to quit providing. She cited guys were texting and calling her about her stinky pussy. One guy offered to see her for $100 to look at her feet. Another guy asked if it was OK to wear a gas mask. And of Couse the "Skunk Ass Raping A Dead Tuna" was a big hit.
Even if a provider doesn't have a WK sharing private and ROS Intel, we all know there is a way to secure most of that Intel. What gets me is these low life mother fuckers who having nothing better to do than betray their fellow brothers. It doesn't happen once in a while... it happens EVERY TIME, all the time!
I'm sure there are many reasons this happens. One being they don't like me or are jealous of my hobby conquests. Others, just like starting shit and are hoping the drama will ensure. At the end of the day these ass wipes screw it up for all of us. They are the reason guys don't post reviews or are prompted to skew their reviews.
So newbies beware... ANYTHING you put in private quotes or say in the ML or in your ROS can and will be public. Me... I simply don't give a shit! I can only hope their SO'S are banging the neighbor while they are hidden away on their computer playing their little games!