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motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-27-2011, 01:00 PM
With some reservations, I am going to post. I got blasted pretty good for the two threads I started. I am going to say that with the exception of a few, I pretty much deserved what I got. It was NEVER my intension to cause an issue with or for anyone on the board. I am not going to blame it on being drunk, under the influence or anything other than just not thinking it through. Plain and simple. I have absolutely no problem saying I was wrong.


Budman's Avatar
Glad you figured it out. I have read both of those threads and one point I didn't see was how would anyone know if it was your name or that of somebody you just wanted to fuck with. How do you get back at your boss? Post his real identity on a hooker board. Not good.
Boltfan's Avatar

I think it might be a good idea to take some time away from the board (not your friends on the board, we know how to talk without eccie). Some here don't understand, several don't want to understand, and some are purely vindictive in their approach about everything.

Would you be willing to accept some sort of restriction placed on your account so you could not post? Maybe just PM only and maybe the chat room? I want you to concentrate on getting better and I know you have taken steps to do that. Your friends can be your sounding board, people to bounce ideas off about your thoughts. It is ok to share your feelings, just not to the board in general.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I was in a little deep once and I took a break. You may want to go do something else for awhile before you decide whether to come back. It will clear your mind. Best of luck to you, man!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-27-2011, 04:06 PM
I appreciate the advice guys. It's been a rough couple of months.
Boltfan and John--I just wanted to comment on your kind encouraging suggestions to motorload. There's always ALOT of chatter about the board being a community, and I generally don't sense that. However-your unselfish words of support are uncommonly kind. It seems you both genuinely care-and I hope the OP takes your advice and comes back with better perspective.

Motorload-I don't know you--have read your threads. Be well-get centered--come back on your terms when you feel ready.
you know we love you babe! i'm glad you let's us all know you are human and as human's, we sometimes make mistakes. I think I'm the queen of that! lol