Advice on giving a 'No' review (this may help the Ladies cope better when they get one.)

ManSlut's Avatar
This post isn't to start a full blown discussion about the 'No' review but I anticipate, like everything else posted here, it will spinoff elsewhere with the gravitational pull of who knows what, but here goes anyway...

My opinion of what qualifies for a 'No' review is this and only this - If I wouldn't spend the EXACT same dollar amount for the experience I just received with the Provider, barring anything that was my fault, like I petered out due to a hard day and it was too late for my body to enjoy myself (it happens from time to time) then it should be a 'No' review...I don't go to a restaurant no matter what kind of good things I have read or heard about the place beforehand and when I go there get bad service or bad food or a crappy atmosphere and really feel like every going back there again.... It's the same with P4P with me.

Okay, now here is my suggestion to the Gentlemen about writing the 'No' review after you have decided to write it and this may cut down on the Provider overreacting to it:

After you post the review immediately be the first to respond to your review by simply adding a little detail why the 'No', for instance - 1) She's too much YMMV 2) Her pics are dated, she's less attractive now 3) She smokes, I hate smoker's breath 4) Her skills, her incall level, or her TCB simply don't justify $300 an hour in my opinion, 5) Maybe you just didn't click....etc., etc., etc....You get the point, whatever YOUR reason or main reason for the 'No' include it so she can see the reason and maybe rationally not overreact to it, which as we know, generally only makes her look worse when she does...Just be sincere and honest about your reasoning in the post.

This also helps the Gents who don't care to have Premium Access to understand more completely whether they might still give her a chance if they haven't seen her without needing to know everything else that took place in the session.
Great post Slut....

Providers might overreact because a NO review can negatively affect your business...

And if you did everything humanly possible to please the client leaving the no review...but he just wasn't satisfied.. There really isn't much you can do ..

I just received my first No recently...I wasn't happy about it... Didn't really understand it...but it is what it is... And it's about to be on the second I'm recovering nicely... Best thing you can do is regroup and just be on your A game...

Once again..good post...Thanks
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
Gosh Manslut you are addicted to this lifestyle. If you put as much time and effort into your RW job as you here you would be really successful. I really don't care much about reviews because many are written like good fantasy novels and are over embellished exaggerated stories of what really happened.

I read your reviews in the past ManSlut and honestly didn't believe one word of it. Not that you purposely lied but you have a huge ego and your reviews always made it appear as if you were some large cock porn star and you screwed the girls eyes out until she was begging you for more ....

Let people write a simple NO review and move on with their lives it's not that complicated.
ManSlut's Avatar
I love how you just can't stop talking about me JG, it confirms what I said about you and suiram77 on another thread about how Creepy you two are!...Your 1st post about me on another thread was about Bullying Ladies and how you remembered me from ASPD and being a whiner, but yet you couldn't remember my Handle and you wouldn't tell us your previous handles here and there?! Smh...Then on another recent thread you state I bully, VIPMya, bsb, Tara! But you just bullied Analeese on another thread today!...Yeh Buddy, for a 20%'er you are 100% Class Ass!!

P.S. I love it, keep stalking me, I really do!! Like I always say the Bat-Shit-Crazies make for the best entertainment on the Eccie Channel and you and suiram77 are winning the Nielsen ratings and the Internet!...Move over Horseface and #isKittyFity the two Douchebags are kicking your asses...ijs

(drops mic)
suiram77's Avatar
I love how you just can't stop talking about me JG, it confirms what I said about you and suiram77 on another thread about how Creepy you two are!...Your 1st post about me on another thread was about Bullying Ladies and how you remembered me from ASPD and being a whiner, but yet you couldn't remember my Handle and you wouldn't tell us your previous handles here and there?! Smh...Then on another recent thread you state I bully, VIPMya, bsb, Tara! But you just bullied Analeese on another thread today!...Yeh Buddy, for a 20%'er you are 100% Class Ass!!

P.S. I love it, keep stalking me, I really do!! Like I always say the Bat-Shit-Crazies make for the best entertainment on the Eccie Channel and you and suiram77 are winning the Nielsen ratings and the Internet!...Move over Horseface and #isKittyFity the two Douchebags are kicking your asses...ijs

(drops mic) Originally Posted by ManSlut
Mic dropped, no Erica there is no mic, no one can here you over the class ass kings

Lol nice try though.
ManSlut's Avatar
Yet you just heard me Loud & Clear!! Genius I'm telling you, Genius! The hits just keep on coming...Don't stop, Ever...The male BatShitCrazies are too few and far between, they generally know when to stop, but you two D-bags, Nooooooo!!! Priceless I'm telling you, priceless.
suiram77's Avatar
Yet you just heard me Loud & Clear!! Genius I'm telling, Genius! The hits just keep on coming...Don't stop, Ever...The male BatShitCrazies are too few and far between, they generally know when to stop, but you two D-bags, Nooooooo!!! Priceless I'm telling you, priceless. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Sluttmutt you talking with your mask on that's not proper manners. In case you are Blind to we winning slutmutt.
ManSlut's Avatar
I take it back, maybe it wasn't quite as Loud & Clear as I thought you took it, I could have sworn I said you two D-bags were winning the Nielsen Ratings and the Internet?...Smh...Oh the hits, the hits won't stop. I'm telling you Budddyyy, you are marketing Gold.
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
I love how you just can't stop talking about me JG, it confirms what I said about you and suiram77 on another thread about how Creepy you two are!...Your 1st post about me on another thread was about Bullying Ladies and how you remembered me from ASPD and being a whiner, but yet you couldn't remember my Handle and you wouldn't tell us your previous handles here and there?! Smh...Then on another recent thread you state I bully, VIPMya, bsb, Tara! But you just bullied Analeese on another thread today!...Yeh Buddy, for a 20%'er you are 100% Class Ass!!

P.S. I love it, keep stalking me, I really do!! Like I always say the Bat-Shit-Crazies make for the best entertainment on the Eccie Channel and you and suiram77 are winning the Nielsen ratings and the Internet!...Move over Horseface and #isKittyFity the two Douchebags are kicking your asses...ijs

(drops mic) Originally Posted by ManSlut
I know exactly who you are ManPussy. Times haven't changed you were a shit talking asshole then and you still are today.

You have always had a personal agenda against me and actually anyone' who doesn't laugh at your outdated jokes or join you in bashing of providers.

You have outed several providers by threatening them with bad reviews and claiming they have pimps.

You also are a cancer to this community. You claim to see so many ladies but refuse to write reviews.

You have been known to ask newbies for heavily discounted sessions in return for reviews.

I am glad I am no longer in the DFW so I don't have the smell the stench you leave behind. Your only goal on this site is to stir the ECCIE shit pot.

You are lame and disgruntled because there aren't providers even if business is bad that will schedule with you. Open your eyes you are the problem !!
suiram77's Avatar
I take it back, maybe it wasn't quite as Loud & Clear as I thought you took it, I could have sworn I said you two D-bags were winning the Nielsen Ratings and the Internet?...Smh...Oh the hits, the hits won't stop. I'm telling you Budddyyy, you are marketing Gold. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Sorry, but that's your award you said we are winning, that's not what I meant by winning slut. I meant we are winning period, we can't lose it's just impossible Buddy. You all are throwing insults, being racist and jaded, that's not how you beat suiram77 at anything I'm to powerful for that classes shit. Nice try slut lol.

Thanks for your post in this thread as well, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
suiram77's Avatar
I know exactly who you are ManPussy. Times haven't changed you were a shit talking asshole then and you still are today.

You have always had a personal agenda against me and actually anyone' who doesn't laugh at your outdated jokes or join you in bashing of providers.

You have outed several providers by threatening them with bad reviews and claiming they have pimps.

You also are a cancer to this community. You claim to see so many ladies but refuse to write reviews.

You have been known to ask newbies for heavily discounted sessions in return for reviews.

I am glad I am no longer in the DFW so I don't have the smell the stench you leave behind. Your only goal on this site is to stir the ECCIE shit pot.

You are lame and disgruntled because there aren't providers even if business is bad that will schedule with you. Open your eyes you are the problem !! Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
Well said, and again so eloquently put JG.
ManSlut's Avatar
I know exactly who you are ManPussy. Times haven't changed you were a shit talking asshole then and you still are today.

You have always had a personal agenda against me and actually anyone' who doesn't laugh at your outdated jokes or join you in bashing of providers.

You have outed several providers by threatening them with bad reviews and claiming they have pimps.

You also are a cancer to this community. You claim to see so many ladies but refuse to write reviews.

You have been known to ask newbies for heavily discounted sessions in return for reviews.

I am glad I am no longer in the DFW so I don't have the smell the stench you leave behind. Your only goal on this site is to stir the ECCIE shit pot.

You are lame and disgruntled because there aren't providers even if business is bad that will schedule with you. Open your eyes you are the problem !! Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
I have just figured out who you are J.G., you gave it away with the "You have always had a personal agenda against me" and "I am no longer in the DFW"...You are VIPMyaMichelle or Brownsugarbaby/bsb/Adrienne Baptiste...But I never tried to run them out of town. You even quote things I have said about them and maybe about 4 other Ladies here, that they are "a danger to our community...Look Mya (sorry I have to speak like this because I haven't narrowed it down which you are) who's ego, insecurity, inferiority complex got the best of her and she chased herself off here. She wrote a thread about me and my offer to take her on my sailboat, after a meet-n-greet, and have a session. What can I say, I heard she had a big clit and was kinda cute back then but it was months before I got tired of her egotistical shit and GPS attitude. Her threAD backfired big time. She wrote that threAD and the Ladies of Eccie came out of the woodwork telling her off and I eventually responded (because she was hanging herself without my help) and posted the convo from the text messages months before where she accepted the sailboat session, I just did not followup with it because she was banned at the time for her and BSB creating a mandle and writing fake reviews about themselves...Now comes BSB. At the time of the Mya drama building BSB, I felt, was trying to out me to defend Mya. She started asking me out, specifically to a Mavs game. I ended up playing her about meeting. Eventually Mya writes her thread and BSB is messaging me all day long (I was on the golf course), prodding me to respond. The threAD was not going well for Mya, BSB probably felt it would change if I got involved, I played it cool and it got worse for Mya. I slammed the door on her when I posted the text contents of the sailboat offer. Exit Mya and that led to the BSB battle over months and years till I find out from 2 dudes here she gave them the Clap /Gonorrhea. Well, she or you knew I knew and she made a decision to leave Dallas. All of our battles were open here on the Eccie forums, mostly shots across the bows till she knew I knew.

As for the rest of your bullshit about me it proves even more you aren't a Dude because my reviews aren't Grandstanding (I hate that shit), I rip dudes about that shit openly here; I mainly do overnights with Providers (and I get a wide range of rates for this and Providers don't want dudes to know what kind of deals they give me for these long sessions or the details of the sessions) and I never, ever negotiate short sessions. I don't see very many Newbies either (but I am so looking forward to seeing MayaCash very soon); Also, I don't write reviews anymore, they see that when researching me and some ask why I don't, so why would I threaten to write a bad review?...I have never had a Provider I requested to see reject me, also...And the vendetta against you because you don't laugh at my old jokes, HILARIOUS!!...Yep, you're a Cunt with a Mandle!!

Wow Mya or Adrienne Baptiste, good luck with your agenda against me, this is investigative Gold!!!
KittyLamour's Avatar
I know exactly who you are ManPussy. Times haven't changed you were a shit talking asshole then and you still are today.

You have always had a personal agenda against me and actually anyone' who doesn't laugh at your outdated jokes or join you in bashing of providers.

You have outed several providers by threatening them with bad reviews and claiming they have pimps.

You also are a cancer to this community. You claim to see so many ladies but refuse to write reviews.

You have been known to ask newbies for heavily discounted sessions in return for reviews.

I am glad I am no longer in the DFW so I don't have the smell the stench you leave behind. Your only goal on this site is to stir the ECCIE shit pot.

You are lame and disgruntled because there aren't providers even if business is bad that will schedule with you. Open your eyes you are the problem !! Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you JG for being man enough to state what is perfectly obvious yet he so fails to realize.

I find it humorous that he likes to drop me and Tara's name like he even has a choice in seeing either one of us. I don't care if he made it rain Benjamins I would never see someone so obviously bitter and miserable because no matter how great of service you gave him, he would most likely find something to complain about. "All money isn't good money."

He even has the audacity to speak of "agendas" when he has had so many campaigns to ruin the reputations of so many providers is absolutely deplorable.

People like him think that being critical and making others "look bad" makes them look better. Or maybe it makes them feel important because their lives are lacking substance and they're just starved for attention. Either way, it's not my problem.

What he fails to realize is that coming from someone like him, his little jabs are, like I said before, quite flattering.

Manho, hunni, please get over yourself. Your sense of entitlement to judge anybody is quite unattractive when you have so many flaws that need fixing yourself. If anyone on here needs to know when to stop, that someone is YOU.

"Drops the mic."
ManSlut's Avatar
Anyone who wishes to have BSCKitty's PM to me several months ago about why she backed out of marrying some Palestinian Trick , just PM me...It's PRICELESS as well !!

Kitty, quit following me around, don't you have girdles to take in more, or Venetian masks to dust off, or wigs to brushout? Girl you are a brokeass disgrace to the Prostituting Community. EVERYONE, and I mean everyone knows you're a fucking fail joke old golddigger. I'm just glad you finally got clean.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I'm sorry, but I didn't know Trash could distinguish pricelessness. Carry on sir, you only prove my point.

I am over your head, but you are under my feet. Figure that one out, Manho.