P411 and other websites

Is P411 worth the fee? Is it another eccie? Does it have a large variety? And are there other websites similar to backpage for cheap fun?
It is not another eccie... it is a tool that helps with pre-screening. Many of the providers on eccie are on P411.

Huge variety, good search function and covers a lot of cities, not just Dallas.

It is definitely not a "shit-hole" site like backpage.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Yes it is
P411 is worth paying for the service and to help you fined the best out there or not .. if your looking for cheap, you may not like what it cost to join p411 to help you feel at ease and not to do as much work to get pre screened .
TexTushHog's Avatar
A bargain at twice the price. And very competently run. Valuable if you only hobby at home. Priceless if you hobby on the road.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
A bargain at twice the price. And very competently run. Valuable if you only hobby at home. Priceless if you hobby on the road. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

The Search function is phenomenal and the overall level of providers is higher than here and elsewhere, especially BP.

It completely eliminates the "3 recent referral" nonsense and drama.

...only drawback, which was imposed by the Canadian Gov't, is the limited info on services.

I won't see anyone who isn't on P411.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup P411 , only way to go
And the providers on P411 are significantly prettier than here.... Apparantly, if a provider enrolls on P411, they are serious about their profession ( IMHO ) I see too many low lifes, managed women, BSC, and some less than otherwise desirables come and go thru Eccie. Lots of migratory Backpage trash hit eccie.

Tons of 8's and a few 9 -10's on P411. Yes, many Eccie providers are there, but typically they are top shelf women whom one can count on. Without a doubt the best way to travel.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
P411 Is all over the County ..not for just at home folks !
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
And the providers on P411 are significantly prettier than here.... Apparantly, if a provider enrolls on P411, they are serious about their profession ( IMHO ) I see too many low lifes, managed women, BSC, and some less than otherwise desirables come and go thru Eccie. Lots of migratory Backpage trash hit eccie.

Tons of 8's and a few 9 -10's on P411. Yes, many Eccie providers are there, but typically they are top shelf women whom one can count on. Without a doubt the best way to travel. Originally Posted by crashkopf