Things that piss me off!!!!

tounge ring's Avatar
Since we have the topic "a few of my favorite things" I would like to do "things that piss me off"

When traffic cuts down to one lane and those people that ride it all the way to the end and think they can just squeeze in!

Pop music today. That just sucks. No meaning behind the music just a bunch of people sitting in a room writing a song than selling it to who ever.

How we have to be sensitive to everybody's feelings nowadays.

How kids are taught that everybody wins. You play a sport and everyone gets a trophy, no you lost you get nothing.

I'm sure I'll think of more but until than what do you people have?
Plastic Man's Avatar
know what pisses ...plastic man off? ...plastic man!
cowboy8055's Avatar
Political correctness is quite annoying.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I see everyone is a winner as they come out of college and look for a job.

You ARE a winner but someone else is more of a winner, thanks for playing.
Asking a provider if you can see them on a certain day AND they say yes. THEN you contact them the day of the appt AND they say they can't. THEN, they say bills are piling up. No shit!!
Plastic Man's Avatar
I see everyone is a winner as they come out of college and look for a job.

You ARE a winner but someone else is more of a winner, thanks for playing. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
that doesnt seem to be ...written someone who came ...out of college ...unless you be including college
JohnnyCap's Avatar
When traffic cuts down to one lane and those people that ride it all the way to the end and think they can just squeeze in! Originally Posted by tounge ring
When all the stupid fuckers get in single-line three miles away from when the traffic goes to one lane thinking they know better when to merge than the folks who put the pylons out!

This is a really tough philosophical debate that could have it's own forum. But I say fill all lanes until the merge.

It pisses me off when somebody just slaps me out of the blue and when I ask them why, they reply, "I didn't like that look you gave me last month."

It pisses me of when I have to take a dump right after I shower.
doctorisin's Avatar
The merging thing used to piss me off something fierce... but the Department of Transportation recommends the "zipper merge" in these situations, they plan the merges to be done that way so I have no choice anymore but to be one of those "assholes" and zoom up to the front!