What is your take?

Just wondering what your take on ladies who say they are back in town but really never even leave town? And why do you think they do this?
Since it has been quiet on the board lately lets get a real discussion going.
It's kinda like those businesses that are always having a going out of business sale every week.

They want attention drawn to their add.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I agree with Yachtmaster, Im guessing if it seems like they are traveling and not always available around here, then they are more of a hot commodity so to speak.
I live in KC and travel throughout the Midwest. There are many ladies in most every city I visit (and here in KC) that appear to do the same thing, in proclaiming they are "back", when it seems they have never left.

Some time ago a similar thread to this was on ASPD - the discussion there was insightful, and what may be prudent to remember is that a lot of ladies will actually leave town and work another market under a separate name with a different number (a local number specifically for that city) or they may have an extensive regular client base that they see UTR somewhere else, and then they return home.

And, yes, although it may be a way to garner attention, it may also be simply truthful.

The other explanation (and the most plausible one for ladies who typically do not travel but yet frequently exhibit this phrasing in their advertisements) is that many ladies only work in short "bursts", appearing for two, three or four days at a time and then having a prolonged absence. These ladies sometimes advertise that they are "back" ("I'm BACK!")- meaning that they are back on call (back to accepting appointments), not necessarily "back" from somewhere else (geographically). In such case, it is in the interpretation of the ad by the viewer that makes all the difference.

As the OP has not cited any specific ad or individual, I would surmise that the issue revolves around the latter and the interpretation of an ad that may proclaim "I'm BACK!!!!". Indeed, they may have never left, but they are "back" to business.


- Jackie
Omahan's Avatar
I think I see a pattern here - BP girls with good rates = bad, ECCIE girls with high rates = good. hmmm?
I think I see a pattern here - BP girls with good rates = bad, ECCIE girls with high rates = good. hmmm? Originally Posted by Omahan
Where is there any discussion of rate(s) in this thread? I'm confused . . . Also, there is no mention of Backpage until your posting . . .


- Jackie

Thanks for the insight. I have developed a "conditioned" expectation when I see your name. Everytime I open one of your posts I know, before reading the first word, that i am going to learn something. Keep posting and maybe someday I will catch up.
I think I see a pattern here - BP girls with good rates = bad, ECCIE girls with high rates = good. hmmm? Originally Posted by Omahan

I didn't see a mention of rates, but since you brought it up..............

The ads I've seen this week from some BP girls really makes me wonder if their actual rate is $100 or $125. Just how safe is someone who charges that rate? Do they screen? Have they drawn attention to the hotel room they're using due to high volume?

There's numerous things that I'd love to have or for the subject at hand, there's a couple of ladies I'd love to see, but I don't have the extra cash to spend because of more important obligations. So, I save my money so I can purchase them when I do have the cash. I will never knock a gent who puts his family obligations first when it comes to my rates. But, do not bitch about a 250/hr rate and then months later put a review up of a lady who is 300/400 an hour. Its not that hard to figure out.

I never thought of ECCIE ladies having high rates, but I guess if you're going to compare let's say my rate of $250/hr to 100/hr, sure its more expensive.

The rate discussions have happened so many times on the old ASPD, ECCIE and other boards.

I stand by the saying, "You get what you pay for." Don't come bitching to me or the board if you spend 100/hr and she doesn't give you what you want or she isn't what you expected. I believe that's been covered in a recent review no?


Here's a link to a post in Vegas that touches upon the rates post of Omahan. Have a read, actually the whole thread is pretty good. A few guys (MOD's included) made good points when "defending" the ladies and their rates. http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1451201&postcount=5
Omahan's Avatar
I didn't see a mention of rates, but since you brought it up..............

I stand by the saying, "You get what you pay for." Don't come bitching to me or the board if you spend 100/hr and she doesn't give you what you want or she isn't what you expected. Originally Posted by MsElena
You're right I was trhinking about another thread.
That's OK Omahan, we still love ya.

When's lunch?