I can see them taking down weekly updates section in Texas because that’s the area the law effects but why other states?
Originally Posted by Starlynn
The law isn't restricted territorially; basically hosting a hobby site anywhere will subject you to Texas criminal prosecution. The only limitation is Texas personal jurisdiction; the Texas courts can't proceed against you unless the authorities can haul your ass in front of a Texas court.
So basically, yes, a Texan running a hobby board for five or more Texas escorts is in violation of the law. But a Texan running a hobby board for fire or more non-Texas escorts is also in violation of the law (this is the situation many ECCIE owners/admins/mods are in), and a non-Texan running a hobby board for five or more escorts (Texas based or not) is also in violation--though it will be more difficult to prosecute her/him, as long as s/he stays out of Texas. But if s/he ever enters Texas for any reason, all bets are off.