Trump's loss is a win for future voter suppression

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-26-2020, 08:51 PM
  • Tiny
  • 12-26-2020, 10:14 PM
I'm not sure what your title has to do with the article, but right on Larry Summers. I particularly like this,

"When you see the two extremes agreeing, you can almost be certain that something crazy is in the air," Summers said, adding that when Sen. Bernie Sanders and Trump are aligned, it's "time to run for cover."

Also this:

The bill "probably would pay out $200 billion to $250 billion a month for the next three months," Summers said.

"The level of compensation is running about $30 billion a month below what we would have expected it would. GDP is running about 70 billion a month below what we would have expected it would ... We have stimulus already, much more than filling out the hole," he said.

Yes, Mitch and the Republican Senators are the only voices of reason on this. Pelosi is throwing out money to many people who don't need it to buy votes. And Trump is doing who the fuck knows what. Trying to get back at the Republicans who won't go along with his ridiculous conspiracy theories I guess. Or maybe he's still campaigning because he thinks there's going to be another election if he can get Mike Pence to muck up the official electoral vote on January 6. Don't hold your breath on that happening Donald.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous still worried that Trump could some how brings it all down?

Fuck boys, we’d be mobilizing the RCMPs to seriously guards our border if yous let’s him do that.
  • Tiny
  • 12-26-2020, 11:16 PM
Yous still worried that Trump could some how brings it all down?

Fuck boys, we’d be mobilizing the RCMPs to seriously guards our border if yous let’s him do that. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
"Guard our border" my ass. That's what Hitler said just before he invaded Poland. We know you want to annex Florida and San Diego so you bastards will have some place to go when winter nights hit -20 below in Manitoba. And you want to steal and defile our women folk, because yours are ugly as hell. Well we're heavily armed and not going to give an inch of fertile American soil to you commie mother fuckers. Bring it on!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"Guard our border" my ass. That's what Hitler said just before he invaded Poland. We know you want to annex Florida and San Diego so you bastards will have some place to go when winter nights hit -20 below in Manitoba. And you want to steal and defile our women folk, because yours are ugly as hell. Well we're heavily armed and not going to give an inch of fertile American soil to you commie mother fuckers. Bring it on! Originally Posted by Tiny

  • oeb11
  • 12-27-2020, 07:08 AM
"Guard our border" my ass. That's what Hitler said just before he invaded Poland. We know you want to annex Florida and San Diego so you bastards will have some place to go when winter nights hit -20 below in Manitoba. And you want to steal and defile our women folk, because yours are ugly as hell. Well we're heavily armed and not going to give an inch of fertile American soil to you commie mother fuckers. Bring it on! Originally Posted by Tiny

Sarcasm is poorly received in Canad and the DPST nomenklatura ranks!

However, Trump's recent behavior show it is time for him to leave the White house.

Even to a DPST senile stooge like Biden and A Communist autocrat who will supplant him - the harris.

well - as HF has written - we will see how much damage the DPST's can do - and if thee are elections in two years - the DPST's may well get a come-uppance.

Now - back to DPST posts of fecal content.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Meltdown continues ^^^^^^^^^^
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2020, 09:26 AM
I'm not sure what your title has to do with the article, . Originally Posted by Tiny
Shit, wrong link! Below is the correct one for thread title.

President Donald Trump and Republicans have been handed defeat after defeat in the dozens of lawsuits they have filed contesting the results of the 2020 election.
But experts warn the GOP could use those losses as a roadmap to pass stricter measures that would make it harder for voters to cast ballots in future elections.
The lawsuits were largely unsuccessful, with judges across the country denying or dismissing the vast majority, with the exception of a minor victory.
“But we can’t expect our courts to solve all our political problems,” said Lisa Marshall Manheim, a professor at the University of Washington School of Law. “They simply aren’t designed for that.”
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2020, 02:37 PM
Trump's loss is a win for future voter suppression (wtf header)

wtf got that correct - the DPST's come to power and will use the DOJ to facilitate voter fraud and ensure no free election ever again happens in America.

The party with voter fraud history from Tammany hall, Daly machine, JFK. LBJ, and Brenda snipes of Palm Beach - ix expert at voter fraud - and will institutionalize it as a DPST SOP, and prevent any other opinion to ever again be elected.

wtf - for once - you are correct!!!!
Biden should be calling Texas out for a fraud election. Abbot changed the rules for only one box for voting ballets per county. Typical gop suppression. Texas has always been the gop red state of corruption
winn dixie's Avatar
Biden should be calling Texas out for a fraud election. Abbot changed the rules for only one box for voting ballets per county. Typical gop suppression. Texas has always been the gop red state of corruption Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Please refrain from using H I M's name.
rexdutchman's Avatar
or at least say it in Chinese ,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-29-2020, 08:10 AM
Biden should be calling Texas out for a fraud election. Abbot changed the rules for only one box for voting ballets per county. Typical gop suppression. Texas has always been the gop red state of corruption Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Please post the 'evidence-Proof' of your allegations- which DPST's never do.

This is just more LSM Bs from XiNN .
Lear to post documented facts - not propaganda, and perhaps One might someday, in a galaxy far far away - earn some credibility.



Learn to pronounce

noun: credibility

  1. the quality of being trusted and believed in.
    "the very public loss of credibility led to the demise of the magazine as a prestigious publication"















  • the quality of being convincing or believable.
    "the book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility"
























<li class="vmod" data-topic=""> h


<li class="vmod" data-topic="">another term for street credibility.