I don't want to post this in ISO section because it's not really hobby related and I don't plan to trade my ass for real-world services.
I know most of you are accountants or business owners or "know a guy" so I'm asking for a lead. I have 12-13 months to get my money in straightened out to rent a fancy new apartment (THEY HAVE THEIR OWN STARBUCKS AND WINE BAR!!) so I'm looking for someone willing to help me get everything in order to I can apply and hopefully get approved in 2019.
Yes: I'm willing to pay for services rendered
No: I will not pay an outrageous amount for advice I can find on Google
The apartment manager sen me income requirements and I will gladly share what I need with whoever decides to help. I have a year to get this figured out which should be enough time to prove I can afford to pay for the expensive highrise.