Will Franken resign Thursday?

bambino's Avatar
According to these Senate Democrats he should:


The accusations keep coming. Let’s face it, he’s been a joke since day one. A bad joke like he was a bad comedian. Goodbye Al!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why do I keep thinking I'm watching a Sat Night Live skit??
StandinStraight's Avatar
According to these Senate Democrats he should:


The accusations keep coming. Let’s face it, he’s been a joke since day one. A bad joke like he was a bad comedian. Goodbye Al! Originally Posted by bambino
He is a great senator and if he does leave it will be a sad day, however unlike republicans democrats have morals and will not tolerate sexual abuse. Republicans embrace child abuse and a sexual predator as president. What side are you on?
bambino's Avatar
He is a great senator and if he does leave it will be a sad day, however unlike republicans democrats have morals and will not tolerate sexual abuse. Republicans embrace child abuse and a sexual predator as president. What side are you on? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The MAGA Side.
" Republicans embrace child abuse and a sexual predator as President." Ya mean like YOU LYING LIBERALS supported Anthony " Carlos Danger " Weiner and Slick Willy Clinton ????????
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He is a great senator and if he does leave it will be a sad day, however unlike republicans democrats have morals and will not tolerate sexual abuse. Republicans embrace child abuse and a sexual predator as president. What side are you on? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
A soda coming out of my nose moment as I read this ridiculous drivel. Franken, like Hillary, has done nothing except get elected and that was highly questionable. By definition, democrats have no morals pretending otherwise can cause cancer.
StandinStraight's Avatar
" Republicans embrace child abuse and a sexual predator as President." Ya mean like YOU LYING LIBERALS supported Anthony " Carlos Danger " Weiner and Slick Willy Clinton ???????? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Bill Clinton was only guilty of lying once to the American people about Monica under oath. The sex he had was consensual with her. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy and snuck into dressing rooms to get free peeks of little girls. Trump lies to the American people daily and as soon as Mueller puts him under oath he will like Clinton be guilty. Trump will be impeached, maybe he and Roy Moore can be cell mates together.
  • grean
  • 12-06-2017, 02:01 PM
I think it's good to have a no tolerance policy on sexual misconduct. Can't weigh the good against the bad here. The bad is so cumbersome it simply outweighs any amount of good.

It is bullshit that they've waited this long to ask for his resignation.

Let the cards fall as they may.

Is it too high of a bar to expect those we elect to office to know to keep their hands to themselves?

Clean house. Move on.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Bill Clinton was only guilty of lying once to the American people about Monica under oath. The sex he had was consensual with her. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy and snuck into dressing rooms to get free peeks of little girls. Trump lies to the American people daily and as soon as Mueller puts him under oath he will like Clinton be guilty. Trump will be impeached, maybe he and Roy Moore can be cell mates together. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You are one stupid MF but that's why you have the title as StantheStupid
LexusLover's Avatar
You are one stupid MF but that's why you have the title as StantheStupid Originally Posted by Hotrod511
aka StandInShit (His Own!)

Bill Clinton didn't "lie to the American people under oath"!

(Can you believe this fool claims to be a professor?)

He lied in sworn testimony in a Federal case filed against him for sexual harassment. The Federal judge in the case made a fact finding that he had committed PERJURY, WHICH IS A CRIME BTW, and the State Bar of Arkansas disbarred his ass for the perjury.

Lying runs in the Bonnie and Clyde Clinton family.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bill Clinton was only guilty of lying once to the American people about Monica under oath. The sex he had was consensual with her. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy and snuck into dressing rooms to get free peeks of little girls. Trump lies to the American people daily and as soon as Mueller puts him under oath he will like Clinton be guilty. Trump will be impeached, maybe he and Roy Moore can be cell mates together. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
aka StandInShit (His Own!)

Bill Clinton didn't "lie to the American people under oath"!

(Can you believe this fool claims to be a professor?)

He lied in sworn testimony in a Federal case filed against him for sexual harassment. The Federal judge in the case made a fact finding that he had committed PERJURY, WHICH IS A CRIME BTW, and the State Bar of Arkansas disbarred his ass for the perjury.

Lying runs in the Bonnie and Clyde Clinton family. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I had to save what the "Professor" alleged and PROMISED.

There is nothing FACTUAL in the entire post quoted above.

I will keep a copy for the future when he gives us that "Professor" shit again.
bamscram's Avatar
Why should he with Roy Moore on his way in?
Or should this guy resign also?

bambino's Avatar
Why should he with Roy Moore on his way in?
Or should this guy resign also?

http://www.carbonated.tv/news/blake-...taxpayer-money Originally Posted by bamscram
Maybe the Senate won’t seat him and let the Governor select a replacement. I don’t know how that will go over with the Alabama voters. The Minnesota Governor is a Democrat. Another Democrat will replace Franken. Things even out.
stand-in-straight while knee deep in excrement, like most liberals, misstates the facts and creates a false sense of umbrage

being totally imprecise - is that how he leads his students?

trump never admitted grabbing women by the you know what

he said, in a private conversation, that women let stars do that

actually he did not say he has done that but he most likely has

has stand-in-straight ever touched a willing woman's vagina?