Review: Street Treat In Fort Worth

Date: mid June
Provider: didn't get her name
Phone: didn't get her phone
Email Address: nope
URL / Website: nope
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Address: -
Appointment Type: Other
Activities: titty squeeze, HJ, BJTCBS
Session Length: 10 minutes
Fee: 30
Hair Color and Length: black, short and pulled back tight on her scalp
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: tall, 5"7" at least, great round ass, narrow waist, small saggy breasts, acne scars but otherwise pretty face with lips like two
Recommendation: Yes
Naughtyandbad's Avatar
How is this review useful for anyone?
Chung Tran's Avatar
How is this review useful for anyone? Originally Posted by Naughtyandbad
it tells us there is still streetwalker action available, and the area a cruise might yield something.. useful information
time4play's Avatar
I agree it is useless. All it tells me is he got a blowjob from a saggy titted black girl with two lips somewhere in the city of Ft. Worth. About as useful as me telling you there is a streetwalker in Dallas out there right now. Good luck finding her.
I wrote this to let readers know street action can still be a thing. I also wrote it because I remember a time, just a few years ago, when street action was a big part of this game. Girls used to flock to a car that turned the corner from a popular street like Lancaster or Riverside. I can remember girls flashing me, flaunting themselves in the hopes of earning a twenty. I wrote this, maybe overwrote it, for guys who might remember those times.
Hey Maxwell,
who is that stunning girl in your avatar?
Solemate62's Avatar
Hey Maxwell,
who is that stunning girl in your avatar? Originally Posted by daltx_m
Looks a little like (but is NOT) Autumn Stark, a once Provider, no longer in the Hobby.....I believe!
No one I know, just a pic I found on
Solemate62's Avatar
No one I know, just a pic I found on Originally Posted by Maxwell
Thanks for that link-was fun to cruise through it on this rainy, lazy Sunday!!
cheatercheater's Avatar
Thanks Maxwell. If these guys could read ROS, they would have all the info as well.
I cruised the same area Friday and came up empty. Ended up in a hotel off Beach and 820 with an Alabama girl!
BigTex77's Avatar
Thanks for the intel Maxwell. I have tried that area a few times and it is always hit and miss.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
it tells us there is still streetwalker action available, and the area a cruise might yield something.. useful information for L.A. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Fixed that for ya.
I appreciate this sort of thing immensely. I am a busy guy that has a hard time fitting any degree of planning into my schedule, so this activity is often right on time. Solemate62, if you want some time wasting material hit this link and take the rest of the day!!