Trust me.. you will be next

It may be of interest to people who run this place to keep my story and not to delete it…….. Perhaps other parties would welcome my story.

I have been married to my high school sweet heart for 21 years. I found out my husband had been chronically unfaithful for most all of our marriage. I shudder to say this, but I will, there were times he smelled of that scent, you know. I just felt like throwing up. After some digging, Curious, I peeked over at his computer and clicked on his history. I noticed an email account I was not familiar with. I clicked on it and saw there was a ton of activity on that page. When I dug a bit further, I was able to break into the email and got the shock of my life. I found out that he had been with many ladies advertise here. My husband had been cheating on me; some of these ladies were old enough to be his daughter. Things were still very difficult. I could not get the images (Unfortunately I dug deep enough to find his stories written here) out of my mind. I felt like my life was a sham. That this man I married, and whom I believed loved me like no other, had played me I was so damn angry but was willing to forgive. I thought about leaving him. I felt I should because he not only committed this abhorrent act of betrayal but he lied about it, and only when he felt that he may have caught, he come clean with me. We got back together after he promised many things. One thing he assured me was that his infidelity was over with. Against all odds and in act of defiance he went back after he promised he wouldn’t go back…. Again I was slapped across the face with an ugly truth. I kicked him out of the house and we were separated for 10 months, during this time I hired a private investigator that was able to document (pictures, CD video as well his glowing stories written here) his visits including real names and addresses of women he had seen while we were separated and it was part of discovery process in my divorce procedures, I did everything with his daughter’s blessing. Finally we were divorced. Now he is gone, lost the house, lost his job (pictures, CD were sent to where he used to work), and filed for bankrupacy.

Although I thought he was an evil, awful man but I realize sexual addiction is NOT an easy habit for men to break, especially if they have gotten deeply involved in the paid sex industry and are doing things like taking pride in posting stories of different encounters on websites and communicating with other men to brag about their 'adventures'. This is much deeper than just a drunken mistake, it is a choice to participate in a lifestyle that they are getting both sexual and ego satisfaction from. Men seeking out prostitutes are most likely seeking precisely what their wives don't offer, a high risk, high thrill adventure into the unknown. and since they have nothing to lose with these girls, they can engage in all kinds of deviant sexual practices that they might be ashamed to ask their wives for, at no risk to their ego from rejection because they are not invested in a relationship that is other than sex for money, many women specialize in particular and very bizarre sex practices, and charge a LOT for these services, because they know most men's wives will not engage in them, and that the man does not want anyone else to know that he craves and engages in deviant activities. Needless to say, these men are rendered incapable of ever having a normal, satisfying sexual relationship once they marry.

For all men out there….. If you don't get your act together soon, you will end up like him.
You're a mess and you're a mess because you can't stop doing this. Trust me.. you will be next

Proverbs 5:3-9 For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not.
Proverb 5:10Lest aliens be filled with your wealth, And your labors go to the house of a foreigner
Proverbs 5:19-20 Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress? Why embrace the bosom of another man's wife? For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.
Proverbs 5:27-29 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who sleeps with another man's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished.
Proverbs 5:32 But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys

And for the ladies….how could you leta stranger invades your body. Some of you ladies desperately long to be normal and to have normal relationships. However, this job prevents you from having that. Just the fear of your spouse or a family member finding out – that alone can ruin the peace you otherwise might have in a marriage.

No matter what you have done, what sin you have in your past, remember that God has forgiven you. We are all sinners in Gods eyes and through Jesus we can all be pure before God. Some times Christians can be judgmental about different sins, but God never is. God took a Gentile prostitute and made her a Woman of Faith.

Just like anyone else, prostitutes have the opportunity to receive salvation and eternal life from God, to be cleansed of all their unrighteousness and be given a brand new life! All they must do is turn away from their sinful lifestyle and turn to the living God, whose grace and mercy are boundless.

Some would probably be overly judgmental to what I had to say, I have read various comments here, and I am surprised at how quick people are to make judgments based on their understanding and they all seem to fit squarely with the viewpoint presented in my story. This will be my last post here. Whoever wants to learn is welcome others I don't intent to change anyone since I couldn’t with my ex. After this post all the information I have on some of you will be deleted.
ck1942's Avatar



Whoever, if you want to quote the Bible, then remember that Mary M. was what she was and was forgiven.

Let she who is without sin stone the first cast!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Oh my god! Your message has opened my eyes! How could I have done such wrong? To the ones I love? To my self? I'm such a piece of garbage. Jesus! Save me! Mods! Delete my account at once before I do more harm! This womans rant and bible verses have opened my eyes! Wait. No. No they haven't. Disregard that request please. And get off your box lady.
john353's Avatar
For all men out there….. If you don't get your act together soon, you will end up like him.
You're a mess and you're a mess because you can't stop doing this. Trust me.. you will be next
No I won't.

I'm not married.
Guest100116's Avatar
Let me guess.
You gained about 40 lbs. & didn't take care of business in the bedroom.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'll fuck the dogshit out of this chick...she's single now...
smokey's Avatar
Let me guess.
You gained about 40 lbs. & didn't take care of business in the bedroom. Originally Posted by cctex

Happy trails, Val.
Guest100116's Avatar
I'll fuck the dogshit out of this chick...she's single now... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Probably got a nice incall after she fleeced the ex.
Southerng's Avatar
I am single and don't have to worry about that crap!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Should've learned to swallow lady. Does she have a review special? Because my TOFTT days are over. BTW, which one of you fucktards failed to cover his tracks?
Men seeking out prostitutes are most likely seeking precisely what their wives don't offer... Originally Posted by Valarie
I guess I can point out to the wives that are reading this site....start offering it!
Being a provider and seeing no other provider has said anything I guess I will.
1st Lady always remember this rule (WHAT YOU WONT DO SOMEBODY WILL)
2nd Once a cheater always a cheater thats you on you for taking him back. (Your bad)
3rd Maybe if you stop snooping and be a "GOOD WIFE" lol and "PLAY YOUR PART" you would find anything.
carkido45's Avatar
I want her .
Single and just having fun.
Oh and it seems you can make a LOT of money.
Its not a bad job you might like it lol