I need a smart hooker economist to learn me something

Treetop78759's Avatar
Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory arguing that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering taxes and decreasing regulation. According to supply-side economics, consumers will then benefit from a greater supply of goods and services at lower prices and employment will increase.

If people haven't noticed prices have def fallen and there are a ton of gals posting ads.

If FOSTA and SESTA are regulatations why have prices fallen and choices increased?

A few months ago all the hookers were saying prices would greatly increase and the number of providers would decrease. The effect has been the opposite.

This is great for dudes because it's about the consumer but can someone smart please explain why this is an exception?
I mean, we're not dealing in a free market here. Hobbying is still as "regulated" as it gets, being, you know, illegal. So long as that's the case, you're not going to be able to apply real market forces.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Tree, from the looks of your title to this thread, I would suggest you sign up for a remedial English class.
Biggoron's Avatar
It's like listening to a freshman explain libertarianism at 3 AM at a frat party.

"the reason libertarianism is mostly articulated in lofty ideals is bc when it comes down to practical applications it always sounds like “toddlers can do meth now” and “the blind should be allowed to fly apache helicopter"
Agent220's Avatar
It's like listening to a freshman explain libertarianism at 3 AM at a frat party.

"the reason libertarianism is mostly articulated in lofty ideals is bc when it comes down to practical applications it always sounds like “toddlers can do meth now” and “the blind should be allowed to fly apache helicopter" Originally Posted by Biggoron
It's too damn early in the morning to be laughing this hard.
Needs more spreadsheets.
winn dixie's Avatar
trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
I’ve been out of the game for a while and no prices are being posted. Can you say here what sort of pricing you’re seeing? Because I’m kinda curious.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I’ve been out of the game for a while and no prices are being posted. Can you say here what sort of pricing you’re seeing? Because I’m kinda curious. Originally Posted by trapperkeeper2000
Just trust me.
Tree, from the looks of your title to this thread, I would suggest you sign up for a remedial English class. Originally Posted by DocHolyday

I like the title, its funny. I would suggest you take that stick out of you ass and lighten up. And get bent for ruining one of the only western movies I like with your handle choice.

I will never forgive you.
winn dixie's Avatar
I like the title, its funny. I would suggest you take that stick out of you ass and lighten up. And get bent for ruining one of the only western movies I like with your handle choice.

I will never forgive you. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Damn Kick, "Get bent" ? lol Ol' doc kinda struck a nerve!! hahahahahahaha

I originally wrote "fuck you", but I changed it so I wouldn't get points. Get bent was the first thing I thought of. Not my best work.

But hell yeah he struck a nerve, I was almost triggered. Haha
winn dixie's Avatar
That one has to go into your top 5 posts !! Still LMAO
I like the title, its funny. I would suggest you take that stick out of you ass and lighten up. And get bent for ruining one of the only western movies I like with your handle choice.

I will never forgive you. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
So you're saying he's not your huckleberry?
Precious_b's Avatar
So you're saying he's not your huckleberry? Originally Posted by RetiredNinja
The only huckleberries I know down here are the ones that I have as preserves that were picked up north.

Only thing doc will find down here are blueberries. Not the same thing.