Far Right Wing Republican Slams The Trump Administration For Being Lame Fuck Face Liars

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Fresh off the press right off Fox News.

Mike Lee Rabid Republican from Utah slams Trump and his Administration as Lame Fuck Faces.something most of us already know.

winn dixie's Avatar
ohh puddin' youre just angry no one listens to your jibberish!
Fresh off the press right off Fox News.

Mike Lee Rabid Republican from Utah slams Trump and his Administration as Lame Fuck Faces.something most of us already know.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Oh loosen your curlers dipshit nobody gives a shit. Trump killed a known Terrorist. Obama use to give them money and supplies.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump is a known rapist.

Nobody in his cult Ives a shits about that either, eh?
Trump is a known rapist.

Nobody in his cult Ives a shits about that either, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You're known idiot from Austin Texas who thinks he's Canadian, lol. Oh by the way dummy you're confusing Bill Clinton with Donald Trump.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trump is a known rapist.

Nobody in his cult Ives a shits about that either, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Rape? I don’t think his check bounced.

Don’t confuse giving your balls a tug with rape

Nobody in his cult Ives a shits about that either, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Ives a shit??

ASSUP you and kinky curls can't get him out of your pea brains... that's precious!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Fresh off the press right off Fox News.
Mike Lee Rabid Republican from Utah slams Trump and his Administration as Lame Fuck Faces. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
OK, so you don't comprehend the English language and make shit up!

I'm not going to waste my time researching all of your bullshit posts to confirm it, but a safe guess is you never blubbered about Your President's use of the drone to kill people the entire time he was President ..... WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL or JUSTIFICATION .....

... the confirmed estimates are over 500 drone strikes and almost 4,000 deaths ... military AND civilians.

Of course according to you it's ok for a Black man to kill people without justification .... see Chicago. I recall some media celebration when one of Obamainble's drone strikes killed some terrorist's son while he was eating lunch at a eatery in Yemen, I believe that's was the correct country. Used the GPS in a cell to track his little ass to lunch.

Doesn't it cause you some pause about your thought processes? You're like a rabid dog snapping at anything that moves.

I actually heard what the Senator said ... in a live interview. He approved of what Trump did with the strike on the General who orchestrated 10's of 1,000's of deaths in the region ... including 100's of lives of U.S. servicemembers and permanent life-changing woulds with missing limbs, eyes, and other parts of their bodies.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm not patriotic so save your crying for someone else. But i will say dont blame Soleimani blame the Elite wealthy political barrons of the US. They're the ones that have manipulated and persuaded people like you to be patriotic and others to go to war to fight for and defend their wealth and riches. When these same soldiers come back from war they're still poor as FUCK and have to fight tooth and nail to get basic vet benefits...and yet here you are being totally foolish in thinking the American wealthy and government officials give a fuck about these men. You folks are real "smart" I swear.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And please own Trumps mess. I don't want to hear shit about Clinton, Bush. Or Obama. This is about the most incompetent fuck face in the White House in American history.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm not patriotic so save your crying for someone else. But i will say dont blame Soleimani blame the Elite wealthy political barrons of the US. They're the ones that have manipulated and persuaded people like you to be patriotic and others to go to war to fight for and defend their wealth and riches. When these same soldiers come back from war they're still poor as FUCK and have to fight tooth and nail to get basic vet benefits...and yet here you are being totally foolish in thinking the American wealthy and government officials give a fuck about these men. You folks are real "smart" I swear. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
c'mon puddin' . Take a laxative and get a hug
winn dixie's Avatar
And please own Trumps mess. I don't want to hear shit about Clinton, Bush. Or Obama. This is about the most incompetent fuck face in the White House in American history. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Thought you wanted to leave muhammad obama out of it?
So the wealthy political barrons of the US are the ones "that have manipulated and persuaded people like me to be patriotic and persuaded others to go to war to fight for and defend their wealth and riches??" ..... oh your poor little Sissy Lips, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about ..... we were all patriotic long before Ohdummer, "the most incompetent fuck face in the White House in American history" ever thought about leaving Kenya to become President .....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You two clowns just remember one thing...you're the ones following me around from forum to forum replying to my posts. Which makes you my fart catchers. Enjoy and by all means Carry on.
winn dixie's Avatar
You two clowns just remember one thing...you're the ones following me around from forum to forum replying to my posts. Which makes you my fart catchers. Enjoy and by all means Carry on. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You ok brah?

Something aint agreeing wit ya puddin'!

Better take off the onesies and put on the big boi pants cause you're full of shit!