Review: Beware Of Cristy Jones ...

smokydick's Avatar
Date: 6/5/2014
Provider: cristy jones
Phone: -
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Irving
State: Texas
Address: -
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: None
Session Length: 0.0
Fee: 0.0
Hair Color and Length: Brunette/Long
Age: 25
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Didnt get to see her . Please see ROS
Recommendation: No
Boltfan's Avatar

catbanger's Avatar
To me it sounds as if either she didn't care to see you, or maybe it's no longer her number.
smokydick's Avatar
Drinking Problems?
I never mentioned that ??
smokydick's Avatar
Anyway guys my intension to post this was ...To aware you all about her and let u all know that you just be careful
Drinking Problems?
I never mentioned that ?? Originally Posted by smokydick
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. Boltfan as being funny.

having a website that requires an account to log in would be enough of a red flag for me to not see her