need a name and pic change

I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change my pics and my name but keep my profile. I love the clientele that I get and I don't want to lose them and I have amazing reviews that I want to keep butt I might have to go through some things with court and don't want them to do picture search and my pictures pop up is there any way to delete my pics off the internet?
Regarding that last part, once it's on the internet it's pretty much on there forever.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Molly, just click the "Contact Us" link over on the side of the page.
Put your request into the form that pops up, and we will handle things privately with you.
On a name change, we will need the reason and a couple choices for the new name.
I did an image search for some of your pictures . No results from eccie came back. I think because the right click function is disabled, the bots cannot catalog your pictures in your showcase. That does not apply for any images you post in threads.

But, as was said, once on the internet, it never goes away. There are sites that back up the entire internet from time to time so much content can be found even if deleted from a specific site.