The Greatest Generations....are past.

For whatever reason [perhaps because they had to struggle] since the founding of this republic every generation seemed to outperform the last in every respect. Maybe the greatest was not the Depression/WWII generation others have declared as the greatest, but their children [those who came of age in the 1960s] seem to have made the greatest contibution.

However all others after the sixtees [including my own] have fallen way short in every respect.

No one after the sixtees could have created anything like this:
I might actually agree with that. The baby boomers did create the greatest economy and prosperity the world has ever seen. That help create the wealthiest middle class in history.

I think this new young generation are lazy.
There isn't enough adversity in today's generation (or the previous post baby-boomer generation either) to make them anything but "lazy". Welcome to the "what's in it for me" generation. People wonder why immigrants do amazing things in our country like get a college education and start businesses. The fact is, these aren't really amazing things at all. Unless your an American who expects their lives to be handed to them on a silver platter.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Today's generation has a sense of "entitlement"....something the previous generations didn't have.....I'm just glad I'm gonna be dead and gone when the shit hits the fan.
  • Paven
  • 02-19-2012, 11:50 AM
Here Here! I totally agree!
Happy Diver's Avatar
“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”--Socrates ca 400 BC.
If things continue like this, in 40-50 yrs way after we are gone or extremely too old to care, the USA will no longer be what it is today. The economy and our way of life will be gone and I wouldn't be surprised if the US gets invaded or take over by other countries. We will no longer be a super power for sure.
DTorrchia's Avatar
If things continue like this, in 40-50 yrs way after we are gone or extremely too old to care, the USA will no longer be what it is today. The economy and our way of life will be gone and I wouldn't be surprised if the US gets invaded or take over by other countries. We will no longer be a super power for sure. Originally Posted by kingorpawn
I agree KOP and if there's any doubt in anyone's mind that we're heading down that's a little preview of what our military is becoming....
somehow I think "The greatest Generation" is sitting back and just shaking their heads in collective amazement as to what our country and our military is turning into.
I agree KOP and if there's any doubt in anyone's mind that we're heading down that's a little preview of what our military is becoming....
somehow I think "The greatest Generation" is sitting back and just shaking their heads in collective amazement as to what our country and our military is turning into. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
What the fuck is that? And under Obama's watch. That's totally fuck up. That video is probably being used by terrorist as propaganda to recruit more terrorist and showing that video to show the recruits that American soldiers are a bunch of sissies. Doing that kind of shit is not going to make a man understand what it is to be pregnant.

And even though that 'greatest generation' will not see it happen, the real tragedy of what they fought for will not last long. I fear for America and its future. Especially with this President. I just hope I'm not around to see it happen.

In the words of JFK when he was being pressured to invade and bomb Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
"Those SOB's got one thing going for them, is that if we do what they want us to do, then none of us are going to be around to tell them they were wrong." JFK
My mother always says, " Please don't ever put me in a home. I'd rather die than be under the care of this generation."

I can't even go out of my neighborhood, and it's decent, without the kids 7-15 calling each other bitch and bitch niggaz and fighting. I will be moving soon to a completely different area. I am really curious and hopeful of changes!

My father told me 15yrs ago that this place was going to hell in a hand basket and he wasn't going to be here when it did. Now, I go out of the country to visit him
And Obama's ideology of making the country a welfare state is not helping matters.