Vince Young Broke

Fast Gunn's Avatar
A gifted and very talented young man bursts out on the National scene with hopes high, but

. . . then suddenly things don't turn out how they should, Why is that?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-19-2012, 08:57 PM
Why am I not suprised?
It's Bush's fault...fuckers
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So what was/were the problem(s)?

. . . Drugs? Women? Gambling? Bad associates? Injuries? Hanging out IeFordshitthing?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
they do not listen to the right people, they think they have more money than God, you would think they could learn to live interest alone

one of our former players, John Corker, yea, he is the guy who said could not read but was attending a junior level marketing class, his prof told me yea he flunk but it was a high F

anyway, he was highly ranked going to the NFL but is now homeless living on the streets in FTW

It is a rightwing conspiracy. Bush and Chaney fuckin with the brothas.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-19-2012, 09:17 PM
So what was/were the problem(s)?

. . . Drugs? Women? Gambling? Bad associates? Injuries? Hanging out IeFordshitthing? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If I am not mistaken, Vince had a family member as his agent.

I heard he has a decent SteakHouse in austin.

Any of you austin folks been there?

Vince also had one of the lowest test scores on the QB test ever recorded. That does not mean he auto would be a bad money manger but if sure the fluck does not help!
Sisyphus's Avatar
...that Vince scored 6/50 on his Wunderlich test. I thought I read somewhere else later on that he actually did much better than that (19, maybe?) but still pretty poor. NFL average is 21/50. General pop average is 24/50.

While no test is a perfect predictor, the Wunderlich is supposed to assess one's ability to learn & to problem solve. If it's a fair test, maybe that's highly significant. If Vince simply lacks the capacity to learn from his mistakes, no wonder he's out of the league & out of money. The rich athlete gone broke saga is as hold as big contracts & there's indication it's going not to end any time soon.

Perhaps, to help keep it all in perspective, it would help to remember the immortal words of another NFL quarterback, Joe Thiesman. Joey T once said,

"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

Amen, Joe, amen.....
TheDaliLama's Avatar
A gifted and very talented young man bursts out on the National scene with hopes high, but

. . . then suddenly things don't turn out how they should, Why is that?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Ducbutter's Avatar
So what was/were the problem(s)?

. . . Drugs? Women? Gambling? Bad associates? Injuries? Hanging out IeFordshitthing? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Besides his low score on the Wunderlich test, Young's abilities as a pure passer were more than questionable. He threw with a kind of sidearm motion most NFL scouts were not fond of. Ultimately he just wasn't that accurate a passer. In college it didn't show up so clearly as his tremendous athleticism made up for that. There he was a man among boys. They're all men in the NFL.
As for his financials, he's currently suing his former agent and a financial advisor claiming they misappropriated some $5.5 mil.
I'm not too sure Vince is well equiped for life outside of football. I hope I'm wrong on that.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sounds to me like someone is bitter with his own lot in life.

. . . I suppose being relegated to the custodial staff will do that to anyone!

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It is a crying shame how these guys totally ruin the gifts they are given.

. . . Some of these young men seem so talented and so promising, but then they find a way to fuck things up!

Besides his low score on the Wunderlich test, Young's abilities as a pure passer were more than questionable. He threw with a kind of sidearm motion most NFL scouts were not fond of. Ultimately he just wasn't that accurate a passer. In college it didn't show up so clearly as his tremendous athleticism made up for that. There he was a man among boys. They're all men in the NFL.
As for his financials, he's currently suing his former agent and a financial advisor claiming they misappropriated some $5.5 mil.
I'm not too sure Vince is well equiped for life outside of football. I hope I'm wrong on that. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He is a Democrat, he trusted Democrats to manage his money.
oden's Avatar
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  • 09-20-2012, 05:46 AM
I heard 87% of NFL players retire broke.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I will have to do a little research to confirm that story,

. . . but, if it's really true than that is truly sad!

I heard 87% of NFL players retire broke. Originally Posted by oden