Need men to decipher this message

I get this kind of e-mail often...I'm sure other girls do, too.

"Hi Samantha...damn, you are really hottt! I love your pictures and you have an amazing body and great reviews. Too bad your donation is out of my price range. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello."

When I read this, I read...."Hi're really hot and I really really want to see you but I'm a cheapskate. Do you happen to be in desperate financial situations right now and willing to negotiate?"

I usually don't respond or just simply say "Thanks for the compliment!" Please correct me if I'm wrong....or maybe these guys just genuinely want to say hello. Or maybe they're just looking to waste time by having a penpal or what?
The latter, honey.
omakase's Avatar
I've done something like this before except geography (not price) was the limiting factor. I genuinely wanted to drop a compliment but I also wanted to get on her radar just if she began touring.

If there's a waiting list for new clients (assuming low volume) or a most favored client list, then I want to be on that list somehow. You'd only be wasting time if you found the potential client to be worthless as part of your pipeline.
TinMan's Avatar
Your first impression is the correct one. They're fishing for a discount. It probably works enough times that they will continue to cast that line.
omakase's Avatar
But ditto on TinMan. Any guy reaching for something outside his price range is trying to negotiate.
smokeater's Avatar
I agree he was looking for a reduced donation. But on the bright side, at least he was polite and complimentary and not rude. Take it for what it's worth and move on.
Will Boner's Avatar
Many girls negotiate; if you don't that's fine, but many do. That's why he tested.
Hi Samantha! Without this post I was never aware of I am, thanks! And do look HOTT!!! I am sure your donation is fair and reasonable and should not be questioned. You are now on my future bucket list for sure! No response or negotiations are required.
You're reading it right. They're angling for a discount session, hoping to catch you when you're slow/broke. Whether you're open to that is up to you.

Have to remember, though; it must work for them sometimes or they wouldn't do it.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Testing the water to see if you'll respond "Well I have a special going on right now" or if you'll negotiate your rate. He's trying to ask without being rude.
tsrv4me's Avatar
It could be any of the reasons listed .......I once made an appointment with a provider after seeing her reviews .......The price was listed as the same in all of the reviews .then when we talked to make final arraignments to meet ....her price was significantly higher than those posted in her reviews I cancelled at that point .....I had the funds to cover it ......but didnt care for the new price at the last minute
addict's Avatar
You are selling something. These guys are interested in buying that something. They have every right to try and negotiate. You have every right not to.
rcinokc's Avatar
You are selling something. These guys are interested in buying that something. They have every right to try and negotiate. You have every right not to. Originally Posted by addict
What he said, if you aren't interested in offering him a discount, the "Thanks for the compliment" answer would be correct. That way you haven't burned your bridges if he decides to save up to see you, and if you consider the 30 sec. it takes to read and respond to that a waste of time, so be it.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I find it very insulting when I get requests like that.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Most likely a fishing expedition. Taking the bait is your call.I agree though your response should be courteous.