Agency or Independents?

I realize that some of you (guys) prefer independent girls than agency or otherwise, I'm soooo curious to know what is the difference for you between Agency and independent, what you prefer most and why?
Sorry for bad English, it's not my first language.
I prefer independents because I can contact the lady direct. Although when conversing via text I can never be sure. I have never gone through an agency so perhaps I don't know exactly how it works. Also I don't like the idea of the lady not receiving the full amount of what I pay her. I have had unpleasant occurrences with pimps in the past. To the point of using a gun .
burkalini's Avatar
An agency is just another type of pimp.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Independent. Manage your own prices and schedule
The only good I can see in an agency is that some young providers do not have the ability to conduct their business safely. The young providers are just food for some pimp. The pimp I had to deal with had beat her several times yet she stuck with him. I don' know if she is still on ECCIE and I don't know if she still is under his direction. I never like to deal with a lady via text because several times I found out later I was conferring with a pimp or other handler. I am to old to be a pimp but the idea has it's good side with a babe to keep me warm every night..
Contralto's Avatar
Great posts above. Never an agency.

When I call, I don't want to talk to anyone else. I don't want to deal with anyone or anything that I'm not going to see naked.
bamscram's Avatar
I prefer a independent. Had one provider who said said starting out she was with a agency, but did not like the point she didn't have a choice who they booked her with.
citizen44's Avatar
I hobby when I'm in the city during the day, so my open time slots have almost no flexibility due to constant meetings. For that reason, I avoid local independents like the plague. They are nothing but constant bullshit NCNS's, running 10-15 mnutes late, etc.

Let's be honest, a lot of hookers are hookers because they have poor time management skills. Couldn't show up to class on time, couldn't show up to jobs on time, etc.

60% of my appointments are agency, 40% are travelling independents. Why?

1). The agencies are managers. They provide quick and succinct communication, make sure the the girls are ready on time, always have lots of options to choose from, etc. I provided a p411 reference once, and never have to deal with all the reference checks like you have to each and every time you see a new indy. They are hands down the best short notice option. Dozens of times I've had a business meeting cancel and been walking in the agency door 15-20 minutes later.

2). The travelling indies are good because they are in town to work and while staying at the hotel, they don't have all the usual distractions the locals indies have. There is no running late because of traffic or other BS because they are already sitting on the bed when they answered my appointment request. Traveling all the time requires and indicates good time skills. They almost always have far more timely and succinct communication skills also
Contralto's Avatar
2). The travelling indies are good because they are in town to work and while staying at the hotel, they don't have all the usual distractions the locals indies have. There is no running late because of traffic or other BS because they are already sitting on the bed when they answered my appointment request.... Originally Posted by citizen44
I have found this to be very true. Further, I have often found (and I mentioned in another post) ladies who have experienced cancellations and are willing to extend our time for bargain increases to make up the shortfall another chap saddled her with. I help where I can!
finman56's Avatar
Always independents. Agency is just a higher class form of pimp.
Citizen44 all good reasons. I usually schedule weeks in advance and have up to now never had a problem except with the young(18-29) providers. The young ones have no desire to keep an appointment. A schedule with Chloe this afternoon was a bust as she left town and forgot our appointment. On the other hand the more mature providers are prompt and keep their appointments.
Bill James's Avatar
I opinion for independent. The pimp don't put out and don't deserve any of the girls money. I have seen some great agencies girls out of Houston. Some managed girls from Corpus but prefer Indy.
ICU 812's Avatar
I realize that some of you (guys) prefer independent girls than agency or otherwise, I'm soooo curious to know what is the difference for you between Agency and independent, what you prefer most and why?
Sorry for bad English, it's not my first language.
Originally Posted by Anna Sophia
I think that (and I'm open to correction in n this) the Indy vs Agency difference is more significant for the provider than the Hobbyist.

I myself would prefer multi-hour sessions with an Independent in an upscale location several times a year . . . once a month might kill me. Sadly, the confluence of sufficient hobby funds and the opportunity to schedule time away, UTR and off the grid rarely coincide.

I may be able to see an agency provider for 60-90 min sometime next year . . .maybe Feb of '17.
Independent for sure, you can manage your own assets lol better.
A few independents live on the edge of starvation and some are banking money for a future. The "shelf" life of being a call girl has limitations in most cases. I was with a provider recently the was driving a Cadillac worth twice what I was driving, Several were at the point that they would fuck for rent money. A provider needs help in investing for her future. For sure a pimp won't give a damn and I don't think the agencies care either. One provider had medical problems and she and I spent 12 hours in the emergency room because she was having problems her health problems were due to her unhealthy living conditions. Her pimp on the other hand was sporting several gold teeth. Looks like a money management course for providers would be a good idea.