So the lifelong BFF of Ford is an FBI agent that probably helped her write her letter

Interesting. I've said all along the "charges" in the letter were more flash than bang and that in and of itself was suspicious.

Ms. Monica McLean retired from the FBI in 2016; apparently right after the presidential election. Her current residence is listed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; which aligns with public records and the serendipitous printed article.

Now, where did Ms. Blasey-Ford testify she was located at the time she wrote the letter to Dianne Feinstein, accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh?
MITCHELL: The second is the letter that you wrote to Senator Feinstein, dated the — July 30th of this year.

MITCHELL: Did you write the letter yourself?

FORD: I did.

MITCHELL: And I — since it’s dated July 30th, did you write it on that date?

FORD: I believe so. I — it sounds right. I was in Rehoboth, Delaware, at the time. I could look into my calendar and try to figure that out. It seemed…

MITCHELL: Was it written on or about that date?

FORD: Yes, yes. I traveled, I think, the 26th of July to Rehoboth, Delaware. So that makes sense, because I wrote it from there.

MITCHELL: Is the letter accurate? FORD: I’ll take a minute to read it.

So we have Dr. Blasey-Ford in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on 26th July 2018. We’ve got her life-long BFF, Monica L McLean, who worked as attorney and POI in the DOJ/FBI in Rehoboth Beach, DE…. Apparently at same time she wrote letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein.
============================== ============================== ==================
So she traveled to DE to write a letter were her BFF, a former FBI agent, is located and somehow it got in the hands of of a CA rep who gave it to Fienstein and somehow Ford got a bunch of Democratic hacks to rep her for free.

The Astroturf is beginning to be mowed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Interesting. I've said all along the "charges" in the letter were more flash than bang and that in and of itself was suspicious.

Ms. Monica McLean retired from the FBI in 2016; apparently right after the presidential election. Her current residence is listed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; which aligns with public records and the serendipitous printed article.

Now, where did Ms. Blasey-Ford testify she was located at the time she wrote the letter to Dianne Feinstein, accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh?
MITCHELL: The second is the letter that you wrote to Senator Feinstein, dated the — July 30th of this year.

MITCHELL: Did you write the letter yourself?

FORD: I did.

MITCHELL: And I — since it’s dated July 30th, did you write it on that date?

FORD: I believe so. I — it sounds right. I was in Rehoboth, Delaware, at the time. I could look into my calendar and try to figure that out. It seemed…

MITCHELL: Was it written on or about that date?

FORD: Yes, yes. I traveled, I think, the 26th of July to Rehoboth, Delaware. So that makes sense, because I wrote it from there.

MITCHELL: Is the letter accurate? FORD: I’ll take a minute to read it.

So we have Dr. Blasey-Ford in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on 26th July 2018. We’ve got her life-long BFF, Monica L McLean, who worked as attorney and POI in the DOJ/FBI in Rehoboth Beach, DE…. Apparently at same time she wrote letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein.
============================== ============================== ==================
So she traveled to DE to write a letter were her BFF, a former FBI agent, is located and somehow it got in the hands of of a CA rep who gave it to Fienstein and somehow Ford got a bunch of Democratic hacks to rep her for free.

The Astroturf is beginning to be mowed. Originally Posted by gnadfly
One now has to wonder if McClean has close ties with Comey, McCabe, Page and Strzok. McClean is the person Ford's ex-boyfriend identifies as being coached to take a polygraph by Ford. One also has to wonder if Ford was in Delaware when her lawyers stalled the hearing process by claiming Ford as afraid of flying and needed time to drive from California.
They can't be that stupid? Are there pictures of these chicks in "NeverTrump" meetings?

Ford said she saw Kavanaugh's name in a 2012 list of potential Supreme Court Justices submitted by Mitt Romney's campaign. Who in the fuck looks at these things? Lawyers and political agents.

Smell like fresh cut astroturf.
Interesting. I've said all along the "charges" in the letter were more flash than bang and that in and of itself was suspicious.


The Astroturf is beginning to be mowed. Originally Posted by gnadfly

ADD to that, we now know she LIED about having no experience with polygraphs, and was 'worried sick' when she did hers (Supposedly). BUT YET HER former boyfriend, remembers her COACHING that 'friend' on how to pass her poly to get into the fbi.

One now has to wonder if McClean has close ties with Comey, McCabe, Page and Strzok.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I'd certainly love to know!
Have the Democrats thought of a "plan B" if Ford is a xposed as a liar.?
The only thing that has given her any "credibility" is the #metoo movement. Her story has not been substantiated by those who she said were at the party. If it were admitted even that the letter was a fabricated falsehood the Dems would still stand by her.

I don't understand why the Dems are going to this extreme. They didn't for the most part confirm Goersch. For the most part they aren't going to confirm BK. They have no reason really not too. Nobody can find holes in his prior rulings. Their only fallback is that he was nominated by Trump but that's being childish.

Even Megyn Kelly knows it.
I don't understand why the Dems are going to this extreme. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'd imagine it has to do with their fears of losing their grip on the courts and that ability to legislate

they feel like they are going from a middle of the roader in anthony kennedy to a constitutionalist in kavanaugh

and so they feel their time is short and in their rage they seek those whom they may devour
Have the Democrats thought of a "plan B" if Ford is a xposed as a liar.? Originally Posted by Jackie S

Yea, it's called coming up with another rent-a-skank, who's coincidentally already sent a letter marked "Signed Jane doe" to Ms boxer Iirc..
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes THEY CAN BE THAT STUIPD , They really think WE are ALL IDIOTS .
It's being shown on the theconservativetreehouse that McClean showed up to the hearing with Dr Ford. Of course, she's denied helping Ford write the letter. My guess is the Democrats on the committee saw the letter also before the testimony.

This just shows a concerted, organized smear campaign by the Dems.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where on the conservative treehouse is it being shown?

How does that prove your conspiracy theory about “the Dems?”
Where on the conservative treehouse is it being shown?

How does that prove your conspiracy theory about “the Dems?” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's a conspiracy fact. The opening orchestrated charade by the Senate Dems when the hearing started. The consistent interruptions from the gallery by known Democratic operatives, invited and paid for by the Dems. The dropping of a letter of unsubstantiated allegations at the last second by the Dems. The showing up of Democratic "Never Trumper" "victim" coached by and represented by more Democratic operatives.

I could go on but let me wrap up by saying some of your fellow Dems have admitted it. But you knew that. So increase your post count and respond.