
So umm, whats for breakfast? Im thinking of cooking eggs, potatoes and turkey bacon of course!! Yumm
Just saw Title isnt properly typed in..idk what happened with my browser ..umm need help fixing this? Ughh
So umm, whats for breakfast? Im thinking of cooking eggs, potatoes and turkey bacon of course!! Yumm
Lolz Originally Posted by Bustybiracial25
You're trying way too hard and it simply isn't working ... Learn how to create a proper threAD ... these are more like Facebook posts by a 16 year old.
How about a nice serving of "fuck off" for you. I have great culinary skills btw
Depsite what any of u think..if i feel the need to post or randomnly want to start a convo. Then so be it!
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Is it morning already. Yawwwn

Think I'll pop in at one of my sisters or brothers house.
So whatever they're having.
Don't feel like cooking today.
Morning chica! Yes beautiful day out today sunday evening is family day for me also lolz
Food,convo,and alot of conversations!
You're trying way too hard and it simply isn't working ... Learn how to create a proper threAD ... these are more like Facebook posts by a 16 year old. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Leave her be. threAD it is, but it is also friendly and encourages freindly reaponses.
Morning my little human��
Majority of the time im positive and upbeat..very open minded and i tend to think alot! Lol i like positive vibes, and to see where people heads are at sometimes in this universe..that's all!
Good day to u
3 eggs, black beans, super ripe plantains, real cheese, and real coffee, and waiting on some random chic to knock on my door and give me a bj after all this good food...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Just saw Title isnt properly typed in..idk what happened with my browser ..umm need help fixing this? Ughh Originally Posted by Bustybiracial25
The OP shouldn't be blaming her browser.

Within 60 minutes: Edit - Go Advanced - edit the Title: - Save Changes.
Homemade sausage mcmuffin,pineapple and orange juice. cooked while naked.
Oh naked cooking! It's a lot of fun unless your frying shrimp!!!
Pistolero's Avatar
Not hobby related. Moved to correct forum
Italia DiBella's Avatar
3 eggs, black beans, super ripe plantains, real cheese, and real coffee, and waiting on some random chic to knock on my door and give me a bj after all this good food... Originally Posted by Pedro Nesta
Confession : I " accidentally " went back to sleep.
It's rare that all of my dogs go back to sleep in the morning. So took advantage of the quietness.

Anyhoos, Your breakfast list made me think of
El Rey Taqueria.
Hope there's not 50 million people in there.
Half an avocado then Coffee with coconut sugar and vanilla coconut milk.