Steve Jobs - He saw Genius in our Craziness

Deeply saddened i saw on my Mac Book Pro`s apple homepage that Steve Jobs has passed away. Following this,
I read this article written by Carmine Gallo for Forbes Magazine and wanted to share the principles he extracted in the way Jobs used to pursue his dreams and make a career,as i see how we can be inspired to gather some of his ideas for our own entertainment business. He is a great example that what once started as counterculture can make great success and change the way we perceive!!! the world to something better by thinking outside the box: (I shortened the principles as good as i could and hope they are fit to eccie`s rules of posting articles)

"Principle One: Do what you love. Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Life is too short, he said, for living someone else’s dream. Don’t spend another minute doing something or working for someone who doesn’t inspire you to higher levels of achievement.

Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe. Steve Jobs believed in the power of vision.

Principle Three: Connect things. Steve Jobs once said creativity is connecting things. He meant that people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss. Don’t live in a bubble. Hire outside of your industry. Hire for attitude and creativity.

Principle Four: Say no to 1,000 things. In apple’s world, simplicity is the elimination of clutter.

Principle Five: Create insanely different experiences. Everything about the experience you have when you walk into an Apple store is intended to enrich your life and to create an emotional connection between you and the Apple brand. What are you doing to enrich the lives of your customers?

Principle Six: Master the message. You can have the greatest idea in the world but if you can’t communicate your ideas, it doesn’t matter.

Principle Seven: Sell dreams, not products. Steve Jobs captured our imagination because he really understood his customer. Your customers don’t care about your product. They care about themselves, their hopes, their ambitions. Steve jobs taught us that if you help your customers reach their dreams, you’ll win them over"

Read the full article here:
Naomi4u's Avatar
He will be truly missed. R.I.P!
DallasRain's Avatar
He was an icon..sad day!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2011, 10:21 AM
Don't forget

Principle Eight Life is short and getting shorter!
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Definetly a man with vision and marketing genius.
He will be greatly missed.
London Rayne's Avatar
He has some in depth ideas and thoughts for sure. I love being around people who are positive because I am rather negative when it comes to looking for the best. I am putting some of those quotes on my facebook. Thanks Nina.
He has some in depth ideas and thoughts for sure. I love being around people who are positive because I am rather negative when it comes to looking for the best. I am putting some of those quotes on my facebook. Thanks Nina. Originally Posted by London Rayne
:-)) ... and maybe you get an apple computer too? The last one i had lasted me more than 10 years and was pretty sufficient... The pc laptop i had lasted a year and then it was damaged :-))).... Kisss Nina
London Rayne's Avatar
I just bought a new PC...again lol. Let us see if this one lasts longer than the last 3. I tend to beat the crap out of them when nothing else is handy...hmm.
sitri's Avatar
  • sitri
  • 10-08-2011, 12:22 AM
Principal Nine - outsource all your production, because American workers cost more than 90 cent an hour Chinese.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Another Steve Jobs Quote:

"she isn't my daughter; I am sterlie and infertile"

Words (similar) Jobs uttered when his daughter wanted the truth about who her father was.