A review posted by a client I did not see

not sure where to post this but a review was posted about me by a client I did not see. I contacted eccie staff but it takes days sometimes before they are able to return a message. I'm not going to post the details of why I didn't see the client ect ect..but what can I do about this?
RTM the review would be the fastest way to get a response
daddyo67's Avatar
It's not hard to figure out why you didn't see him! I don't think I would see a provider named Syphilis either!
LazurusLong's Avatar
If more guys would NOT try to use their handle on this board to see providers, there would most likely be more honest reviews such as the one in question.
daddyo67's Avatar
Oh I'm sorry LL, I didn't know you were in the room to know that the review by Mr. Syphilis was honest. I don't know, I wasn't there but neither were you!

Looks to me like he might have gotten mad because she wouldn't see him!
LazurusLong's Avatar

Sorry but I have seen this sort of claim numerous times.

NO, I have no knowledge as to whether he has seen this provider or not but from what I read, it'd be very simple for you to go see her and write your own review pointing out where the review is either incorrect or what you agree with.

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Oh I'm sorry LL, I didn't know you were in the room to know that the review by Mr. Syphilis was honest. I don't know, I wasn't there but neither were you!

Looks to me like he might have gotten mad because she wouldn't see him! Originally Posted by daddyo67
I've been on the boards 10+ years, and I've read dozens of fake reviews designed to hurt a provider. That is not what they read like.

That reads exactly like what it's claims to be: a guy who got there and realized what he was buying wasn't what he had been sold. He didn't do it in a cruel or malicious manner, and his vitriol was aimed at the reviewers he claims were less than honest, which happens to be a major issue on ECCIE.

Do I know if he was there for a fact? Nope. But there is not a single thing he said that is hard to believe, and almost all of the negative facts appear in other reviews. I also know there are many people who do not use their board handle for screening specifically so they can be honest in their reviews.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

I've been on the boards 10+ years, and I've read dozens of fake reviews designed to hurt a provider.
Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Is it also common for the provider who has the fake review written to post in Coed that the appointment never took place?
Looks to me like he might have gotten mad because she wouldn't see him! Originally Posted by daddyo67
daddyo67, the "in the room" retort goes both ways. You weren't in the room either. It you really believe that, then gofind out for yourself and then come back and tell us all about your experience.

As to some one the other suppositions in this thread, you guys are correct. I did not use my handle when booking the appointment. (With a handle like mine, consider it safe to assume that I would never use it)

I would also like to point out that the review was and is anonymous. Given that, how can she say she never saw me? There is absolutely nothing in public view that would differentiate me from anyone else. It is pretty obvious why she is saying she never saw me, isn't it?

My review vented mostly on my disappointment with previous reviewers because I expect some degree of misstatement in a provider's profile. They all exaggerate and lie in the name of marketing. This thread was started for a similar reason. It is yet another lie, born in desperation for the purpose of damage control.

Elena, since there is no credible way to say you did not see me, perhaps you should approach this from another angle. You could try to prove I am wrong about any statements made in public view. Of course that would not be possible without more lies, would it?

The fact is, you lie in your profile out the need to compete. Hell, if everyone else does, I can see why you feel you have to. In your case however, you have taken it to an extreme. Take your lumps, tone down the lies and move on.

(or another popular approach on this board is to change your name and start over in the welcome wagon with even more lies)
If more guys would NOT try to use their handle on this board to see providers, there would most likely be more honest reviews such as the one in question. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
yup. But some guys think they're important here. They think their online character carries over to the real world in some way.

Recently I read in a post a guy with a lot of posts/reviews posted, "I think she digs me". Too funny. She digs your wallet dude!
Efrem, I assume you walked away?
Efrem, I tend to believe your review more than the denial from the provider. You made very good points, it's too easy for a provider to use that defense without adding anything else.

Given your post count and lack of reviews you'll most likely get the newbie treatment over this. Hang in there and thanks for the guts to post it like it is.
I agree. I don't review everyone I see but if and when I see a bad service provider that has either lied or pulls the old bait and switch I'm definitely sharing with all. That is the way it should be for both hobbyist and providers. If I was to disrespect a provider I would expect them to post something on here about it. I'm just saying
Whodwho. it is not as black and white as being a good or bad provider,we live in a world of shades of grey. The "no" was not because she was a "bad" person..... just for the lies and deceptions.
Don't mean confusion here, I agree with how you wrote it and I don't think for a minute this is your first rodeo. These post are helpful for all of us and if anyone is being deceptive it will show in the end. We all, at least I do, review providers prior to setting a date and expect somewhat of what the reviews state, otherwise I wouldn't go. Thanks again