"whether we are ruled by the people or by powerful unelected elites"

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The Ford’s Theater Election.

May 25, 2017 Daniel Greenfield

The only one real Trump scandal is the refusal of the left to recognize his victory.

It is okay to be bitter, angry and frustrated about losing an election. It’s not illegal to begin planning how to win the next election. But it is illegal for public officials to refuse to accept the results of that election.

It’s illegal for them to take part in a conspiracy to reverse the election by forcing the President of the United States to leave office. That’s not opposition. It’s not protest. It’s a coup.

The Democrats have lost the White House and Congress. They’ve lost statewide offices across the country. Democracy has rejected the Democrats and they in turn have rejected democracy.

Every Democrat attack on President Trump comes down to their rejection of a democratic election. Their attempts to tie Trump to Russia are about invalidating the election. Their accusations are not motivated by concern for national security, but invalidating an election. All the noise about Comey, Flynn, memos and special prosecutors is an organized effort to overturn the results of a legal election.

It’s that simple.

The attempted overthrow of our government takes precedence over every other scandal. It is a grave threat that must be confronted and defeated. No scandal, certainly none put forward by those plotting to overthrow our government, can take precedence over the struggle against the leftist coup.

Any such scandal can be addressed only when the coup by the leftist “Resistance” is defeated. Any Democrat who wants to discuss any scandals must first disavow the “Resistance” against an elected government. If he refuses, the scandal of his participation in a plot against democracy takes precedence.

All Americans must rally together to resist the coup. And the first step is exposing the agendas and ignoring the scandals manufactured by the coup plotters as a pretext for seizing power.

Like their fellow Socialists in Venezuela, the radical leftists are fighting the outcome of a democratic election by leveraging their power in the unelected institutions of the bureaucracy and the judiciary. It began when a conspiracy of leftist judges refused to let President Trump govern. Then the corporate media and its political allies created an echo chamber of manufactured scandals to force him out.

America faces an unprecedented national crisis. One of the parties in the two-party system has rejected the Constitution, the separation of powers, our system of elections and our right to exist as a nation.

Those are the stakes in this conflict.

None of the scandals, real or imagined, matter because they were manufactured out of bad faith. When the left refuses to accept the rule of law in a national election, there is no reason to pay attention to its procedural legalisms and cynical nitpicking. And until the left accepts those results, its efforts to exploit legalisms to undo the higher law of our electoral system should be dismissed with contempt.

We don’t take the legal pretexts of coup plotters seriously because their offense against the law is far greater. And we recognize that the coup comes before the pretext. The pretext is just an excuse.

If Republicans are serious about preserving our democracy, they must step off the hamster wheel. Stop the investigations. Cease paying attention to the media echo chamber. Ignore the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt being spread by the propaganda machine of the coup on CNN and in the Washington Post.

The Socialist coup plotters are using Alinsky’s Rule 4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

These are our rules. We are the enemy. The left does not subscribe to any of the rules. It has spent the last eight years gratuitously violating them. It now seeks to force the legally elected representatives of people out of office so that it can go right back to violating them.

The new patriots suddenly concerned about national security smuggled billions to terrorists, passed classified information to Russia and let China shuffle through our biggest military secrets. The defenders of the law unexpectedly concerned about the rule of law violated every law they could find. The born again supporters of law enforcement gleefully lynched cops in every city.

Give them a chance and they’ll do even worse.

Rules are reciprocal. They are mutually agreed on. The left does not agree to follow any rules. Not ours or its own. The right agrees to follow all the rules. And then it wonders why it never collects its winnings in the crooked casino whose pit bosses are Saul Alinsky and your friendly neighborhood media conglomerate.

Republicans face a very simple question. Are they willing to let the left nullify the results of the 2016 election?

If they are, they can keep going. They can let judges set aside the power of the legislative and executive branches. They can jump through the hoops of every investigation. They can act as if the constant stream of manufactured scandals can be settled by following all the existing procedures.

They can let the left set the rules. And then, win or lose, they will lose.

The American people did not elect them to battle scandals, but to get results. If they fail to get results, the left wins. If all they do is survive scandals, then those who came out to support them will lose faith.

And the coup plotters, the public officials, media tycoons, judges, organizers and bosses, will win.

For millions of Americans, President Trump represented an opportunity to take back control of a system of government which was representative in name only. This coup is a plot by those who run that system to deprive them of their last hope of regaining some measure of control over their oppressed lives.

This is not about Trump. It is about whether we are ruled by the people or by powerful unelected elites.

We have entered into an open struggle between freedom and tyranny. The forces of tyranny have been thwarted at the ballot box. Their voter fraud and media propaganda machine failed them. The fake polls, rigged primaries, paid protesters and the billions in dirty money bought them nothing but defeat.

They are taking off their masks. They are making one final procedural effort to undo the election. If they succeed, then the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” that the first Republican president invoked at Gettysburg will “perish from the earth” with the last Republican president.

This is no longer the Flight 93 Election. It’s the Ford’s Theater Election.

We stand in Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865. The assassins of democracy are climbing the stairs. Their target isn’t only the 19th Republican to serve as the President of the United States.

It’s you.

Assassinating democracy doesn’t just mean bringing down one president. It is an attack on your right to vote. The coup is a plot to take away your only real defense against the power of government.

Their target is America. Ignore their scandals and lies. Resist the leftist assassins of democracy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-25-2017, 08:00 PM
Trump is not a commoner. He is not for the middle class. He is all about power and money.

You think cutting Medicaid for the poor by 800 billion and giving the wealthy a 800 billion tax break means he is not an elite?

Do you ever think falsely making shit up and projecting it as another poster's thoughts ever works? Does it work with the bimbos you hang around with?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump is not a commoner. He is not for the middle class. He is all about power and money.

You think cutting Medicaid for the poor by 800 billion and giving the wealthy a 800 billion tax break means he is not an elite?

. Originally Posted by WTF
don't you have bags of cash to stuff for your illegals at your job sites in the morning? you better get busy .. them boys ain't gonna be happy if you don't show up with that cash.

wtf, the fraud who makes money off the backs of illegals he pays $10 an hour to pound nails in his sub-standard shanty's in shantytown .. er .. Houston.

one day you won't have that bag of cash and they'll find you butt raped in an alley with a sickening smile on your face, dead with rigor mortis set in with your head stuck up yer ass.

since they won't be able to pull yer head outta yer ass, they'll have to cremate you to get rid of the evidence