Do we have to post so many political messages?

I like to come here to escape politics. If I want to discuss politics, I head to places like the Huffington Post, and other political blogs and forums.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There seems to be pretty much a single source for the aggravation you're talking about and I think we all know who that sucker is.

. . . I pity the fool!
Do we have to post so many political messages?
um, yes?


You don't have to read what doesn't interest you here. But at the same time, it's just too tempting to correct morons.
I don't bother trying to change somebody's opinion.
Just right what is wrong on the internetz
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Guy walks into a bar and sits at a table. Tells the waitress, "I'll have a Bloody Mary and a menu." When she returns with his drink, he asks "Still servin' breakfast?" When she says Yes, he replies, "Then I'll have two eggs-runny on top and burnt on the bottom, five strips of bacon ONE END-well done on one end and still raw on the other, two pieces of burnt toast and a cold cup of coffee." Indignantly the waitress says, "We don't serve that kinda stuff in here!" Guy says, "Funny... that's what I had in here yesterday..."

A woman and a duck walk into a bar.

The bartender says, "Where'd you get the pig."

The woman says, "That's not a pig, that's a duck."

He says, "I was talking to the duck."

pyramider's Avatar
Just be glad there is not a religious forum here.
Do we have to post so many political messages?
um, yes?


You don't have to read what doesn't interest you here. But at the same time, it's just too tempting to correct morons.
I don't bother trying to change somebody's opinion.
Just right what is wrong on the internetz Originally Posted by lilred_robin

The political discussions were on the D&T forum and now they are moving them here. It would be really cool however if maybe a Political Discussions forum were created. Maybe submit requests to the mods for this? It is just an idea..

By the way Robin, you are looking hot in your pictures!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Because politics is one of the two most interesting topics discussion topics in the world. (And no, pussy isn't the other. It's philosophy other than political philosophy.)
Because politics is one of the two most interesting topics discussion topics in the world. (And no, pussy isn't the other. It's philosophy other than political philosophy.) Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Are you red blooded lol. Just kidding, but sex and the opposite sex are pretty interesting and hot. Isn't it what all the C & W songs and poetry are all about?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Because politics is one of the two most interesting topics discussion topics in the world. (And no, pussy isn't the other. It's philosophy other than political philosophy.) Originally Posted by TexTushHog
What about food? There was a story told by POW survivors interred and conscripted by the Japanese to build the Burma railroad through the jungles of Thailand. I forget now whether the POWs were British or Americans, but as the story goes, a group of POWs, weak from hunger and disease, were struggling to meet their work quota for the Japanese when a very shapely and attractive Thai girl – wearing only a skirt made of leaves – walked by with a bunch on bananas balanced on her head. The men stopped their work and stared after her. After the young girl disappeared into the jungle, one of the men turned to the others and remarked, “My, wasn’t that a lovely bunch of bananas.”
Political threads will continue to be posted until the US national debt is ZERO!

Or until Charlestudor2005 returns (that'll teach the bastard.)
TexTushHog's Avatar
I love talking about food. But it is best talked about over a table with the subject -- and a nice supply of excellent wine -- close at hand.

Of course, that's a better way to talk about politics, too. But it's more essential for food. Go look at and you'll see that it's pretty sterile.
Better to discuss these things here, than duke it out on the streets !
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Better to discuss these things here, than duke it out on the streets ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Something like that.

It's supposed to be duked out in the ballot box.

Nothing you can say justifies assault.

Nothing you can say justifies assault. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman