What is the deal with tattoos?

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-23-2015, 09:43 PM
i saw some advertising on this site with very attractive bodies , decorated with some very visible tattoos... I am trying to understand, why a lady with a beautiful body would need to leave a permanent mark on her body? Some are cute, as the one a saw on the butt cheek of Coco, at Moonnight a few month ago , and it said: Goddess from Heaven....

But the more impressive ones could diminish the potential customer base, no? It is almost impossible to remove. What is the thought process behind them? Is it the need to be different and special?

Maybe I am too old to get it ...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-23-2015, 10:10 PM
I love new topics...speaking of, does anyone else enjoy beating the shit out of a dead horse?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I love new topics...speaking of, does anyone else enjoy beating the shit out of a dead horse? Originally Posted by Jilted
Right! You will never get a straight answer to this...
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Personally, I think tattoos are bad ass and maybe if I had not become a provider, I would have a few more. Most of us are the type of girls that are tatted up. It comes with the territory.
Ashi, I see that you are new to the board so I would like to welcome you. Something that you may not know is that providers are not able to see private comments. You may want to send JJ what you wrote as a private message to her or just repost in this thread as a normal response.

Even though I have never had the pleasure to meet JJ in person you are correct. Nature did bless her with beauty.
Originally Posted by Ashi

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-24-2015, 12:12 AM
No I did not. I thought Private means ONLY she can read it... Thanks for the clarification and the posting. As sexy Morgan said, this is the local cool thing , I spent my first half of my life overseas and do not precisely understand what is cool. I am not too young either.... My kid wanted tattoos and I was against it. That is why I asked the question... Nevertheless if this was discussed before and did strike a nerve, please just neglect the whole stupid thread, .... Maybe sexy Morgan might teach me more about it... . PEACE!
mm-good's Avatar
Jules has some of the best ink!

I realize we men are visual creatures but c'mon...
While there are some tats that are not all that attractive, most of the ladies that have them are quite sexy and very good quality art.

For those that just can't take the "distraction" , There are plenty of inkless providers in the area for you

I plan to enjoy each lady as she is and maybe even get to learn s little more about her


(Same goes for piercings!)
Goose2u's Avatar
I find them kind of erotic although I very rarely study them
I love the artistic big flowing designs. Love sleeves on a lady. But it seems like a lot of tats look like prison ink and I just try to ignore those. Hell it's the lady's body, not yours. I do find that quality of their ink usually directly reflects on the quality of the companionship. Maybe not for a bng session, but definitely for the type of sessions I prefer. Good luck to you sir. The good news is there are 600 or so providers in Dfw. May you find a few that are visually appealing to you and may you have fun with them
Hercules's Avatar
I prefer no body art (tattoos or piercings). Just my preference but never a deal breaker. Tasteful and artistic tats are OK but things like "Cock Garage" over the kitty are a turn off.
There are many men here that love a tatted up chic!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm with the OP. I've never seen a tattoo enhance the beauty of a provider. At best, they are innocuous. But I've seen far, far more that just make you wonder "What was she thinking!!??" But I've been through enough of these discussions to know that some folks view the issue differently.