Estimate for a text brainstorm session?

How would you price a role play brainstorm? This would be us going back and forth trying create the most exciting role play situation for us. Let's say an hour of back and forth via text messages. On a time we both agree to.

You would give a quote on the actual act after we figure out what it is. This would just be for the texting brainstorm session
Roger.Smith's Avatar
How would you price a role play brainstorm? This would be us going back and forth trying create the most exciting role play situation for us. Let's say an hour of back and forth via text messages. On a time we both agree to.

You would give a quote on the actual act after we figure out what it is. This would just be for the texting brainstorm session Originally Posted by timtim001
I think it'd be easier to just send what you're looking for and seeing the lady you have in mind is game for whatever you dream up.

To me role play is more of an Improv thing. Trying to script it out ruins the experience. Besides would you pay before you started texting? What if your interests don't mesh?
Good points Roger.Smith. All of them. Also realizing I should have posted this in ISO. Still learning.
I think it'd be easier to just send what you're looking for and seeing the lady you have in mind is game for whatever you dream up.

To me role play is more of an Improv thing. Trying to script it out ruins the experience. Besides would you pay before you started texting? What if your interests don't mesh? Originally Posted by Roger.Smith

Amen. You're better off, IMO, searching and then following through with the appointment, with someone you feel is your type, and matches up with what you're looking for as far as looks, activities, etc... Rather than a "text and pay for it" session to see if it'll work out. Just say what you want and what you're looking for after a few initial messages.. Get a feel for her persona/personality/character through an email or PM before you throw money at someone. It's like taking a gamble doing it the way you are trying to go about it... Some women might take advantage of that and then you would've wasted money for absolutely nothing. Research is your friend.. Or get P411.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This sounds wayyyy too hard lol
This sounds wayyyy too hard lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Exactly.. never knew this kind of shit went on LOL
I'm an idiot.
pmdelites's Avatar
How would you price a role play brainstorm? This would be us going back and forth trying create the most exciting role play situation for us. Let's say an hour of back and forth via text messages. On a time we both agree to.

You would give a quote on the actual act after we figure out what it is. This would just be for the texting brainstorm session Originally Posted by timtim001
first of all, i wouldnt say you're an idiot. AmericanIdiot has trademark on that :^)
[there are 18 eccie members w/ "idiot" in their user name]

maybe just a bit ignorant [not knowing] about how to navigate this crazy lil sub-culture we play in.

now to your questions....
are you asking how much to pay for an hour or more of texting back and forth to setup an actual session?
i would NOT pay a cent to setup a session.
i would pay for props, clothing, materials, beverages, etc, but not the TCB.
now, if i actually met the provider to plan out the session, i would compensate her for her time.

or are you asking how much to pay for a role play session after you two decided on what the session could go?
i would pay her standard fee for role play sessions for the amount of time you agreed upon.
Goose2u's Avatar
Too damn much thinking just lay back use my shoulders for a foot rest and tell me what I'm doing right
blowmypop23's Avatar
I'm sure some lady has pm'd him. Sounds like easy money. You can txt while you do just about anything else.

Why not just do the phone sex thing to work out your fantasy if you need a lady to help out. Then once you have it all figured out you can search here for a lady to help you do it.
Paying for a text session? Just when I thought I've seen it all...
time is money amigo. ask any lady on here. lol
bojulay's Avatar
You don't need a complete script, just a kind of general scenario.
It is better if there is some spontaneity involved.

Me and a girl used to play hitchhiker.

One of us would walk down the road a little ways playing the hitchhiker,
and the other would play the one giving the ride. We also would decide
beforehand who would be the seducer.

We let it play out spontaneously from there, each staying in character
and acting like complete strangers.

There are lots of porno type scenarios you can play with.
It's more about the role you are playing than written scripting.