Wondering about the Big City social network...

KittyLamour's Avatar
I was recently contacted by this site... Bigcity.com and they requested permission to post my profile...

I have a heart for newbies and want to help them out and show them there is a safer way to hobby, so I'm curious about what you all think of this site and if you utilize it?

Also trying to figure out exactly what the site is for... Escorts, NSA hookups, Dating? Anybody know...??? lol
Looks like it's for NSA hookup to me Kitty..
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-19-2015, 09:36 AM
What is NSA stands for?
yohimbebrother's Avatar
It is a huge waste of time, im surprised they even asked you if you wanted it up there.
KittyLamour's Avatar
It is a huge waste of time, im surprised they even asked you if you wanted it up there. Originally Posted by ClassicVintage87
I thought it was kind of strange myself... but thought I'd get an opinion on it anyways since I'd never heard of it. It does appear to be some kind of NSA hookup site... Not my cup of tea... lol
Looks like it's for NSA hookup to me Kitty.. Originally Posted by LukeTheDrifter75
More like NSA hookup for generous guys. It looks like a modernized version of backpage.