Opposing Assimilation in Israel

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Israel is the USA's strongest ally in the Middle East. This is the Foreign Minister giving the official policy of Israel to remain Jewish and avoid assimilation with non-Jewish people. (And Yssup Ryder tries to tell you other Jewish people don't think like me)

Ten-year plan to raise Jewish population in Israel above 10 million
Liberman: American Jews face ‘demographic catastrophe’

FM (Foreign Minister) tells US Jewish leaders of imperative to fight assimilation, says he plans to encourage 3.5 million Jews to immigrate

The recently released Pew survey on American Jewry makes “for pretty depressing reading,” he said. The survey’s findings show a significant rise in those who have little or no Jewish content in their lives, marry outside the faith and are not raising their children Jewish, he added.
“It is my strongest belief that the antidote to this rising assimilation, intermarriage and disengagement is education,” Liberman told the American Jewish leaders. “Today, unfortunately, Jewish children are being kept from Jewish classrooms because of the exorbitant and prohibitive costs of Jewish education in the US. It cannot be, it should not be, that a Jewish child will not be able to receive a good Jewish education because of financial reasons. This should be unacceptable to all of us who care for the Jewish future.”

Read more: Liberman: American Jews face 'demographic catastrophe' | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/liberma...#ixzz2x8PYtchf
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Christ.....plug in the words Mississippi for the word Israel and you'll be transported back to the segregationist south in the late 1950's. We need to have our own schools, our own religion, our own marriages only to other people like us and people different from us need to stay out. Sad. Yet another example of the Jews who constantly whine about discrimination and anti-Semitism being discriminatory on the basis of religion. But, that's OK....because Israel is "our strongest Ally" in the middle east. Either that or Israel is the albatross around our neck that is, in large part, responsible for the United States being a pariah in the middle east. I get tired of hearing all about what Israel does for us....they do shit. The Jews owe us, not the other way around. The entire country would be a Palestinian refugee camp if not for us....or there would be some new pyramids built there.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-27-2014, 11:34 AM
Christ.....plug in the words Mississippi for the word Israel and you'll be transported back to the segregationist south in the late 1950's. We need to have our own schools, our own religion, our own marriages only to other people like us and people different from us need to stay out. Sad. Yet another example of the Jews who constantly whine about discrimination and anti-Semitism being discriminatory on the basis of religion. But, that's OK....because Israel is "our strongest Ally" in the middle east. Either that or Israel is the albatross around our neck that is, in large part, responsible for the United States being a pariah in the middle east. I get tired of hearing all about what Israel does for us....they do shit. The Jews owe us, not the other way around. The entire country would be a Palestinian refugee camp if not for us....or there would be some new pyramids built there. Originally Posted by timpage

roger that.

poor JL... fuck him
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Christ.....plug in the words Mississippi for the word Israel and you'll be transported back to the segregationist south in the late 1950's. We need to have our own schools, our own religion, our own marriages only to other people like us and people different from us need to stay out. Sad. Yet another example of the Jews who constantly whine about discrimination and anti-Semitism being discriminatory on the basis of religion. But, that's OK....because Israel is "our strongest Ally" in the middle east. Either that or Israel is the albatross around our neck that is, in large part, responsible for the United States being a pariah in the middle east. I get tired of hearing all about what Israel does for us....they do shit. The Jews owe us, not the other way around. The entire country would be a Palestinian refugee camp if not for us....or there would be some new pyramids built there. Originally Posted by timpage

Damn! I agree with Timmy AND CBJ7!?!

"the jews owe us"....really....why....
had the state of isr. been allowed...palestine....iran... iraq would be a parking lot of ben gurion air port...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Christ.....plug in the words Mississippi for the word Israel and you'll be transported back to the segregationist south in the late 1950's. We need to have our own schools, our own religion, our own marriages only to other people like us and people different from us need to stay out. Sad. Yet another example of the Jews who constantly whine about discrimination and anti-Semitism being discriminatory on the basis of religion. But, that's OK....because Israel is "our strongest Ally" in the middle east. Either that or Israel is the albatross around our neck that is, in large part, responsible for the United States being a pariah in the middle east. I get tired of hearing all about what Israel does for us....they do shit. The Jews owe us, not the other way around. The entire country would be a Palestinian refugee camp if not for us....or there would be some new pyramids built there. Originally Posted by timpage
Just because the United States has allowed itself to spiral into a black hole and is losing its culture doesn't mean Israel needs to follow the example and self-destruct.
I don't see it as racism but of preserving our existence.
I stand with a man who will stand up for his heritage.
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I stand with a man who will stand up for his heritage. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I am getting all weepy thinking about you two all huddled up and standing together. Fucking douchebags.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am getting all weepy thinking about you two all huddled up and standing together. Fucking douchebags. Originally Posted by timpage
Commie faggot!
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  • WTF
  • 03-28-2014, 08:22 AM
I stand with a man who will stand up for his heritage. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You assholes need to quit listening to this SHIT.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I stand with a man who will stand up for his heritage. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fucking retards? Say it loud, Simple Jack!

I've got the same heritage, albeit probably more pragmatic, inclusive and AMERICAN than my professed co-religionist. One side of my family has been here since the mid 1800s. The other side survived WWII in Europe. I do NOT agree with JL, nor do I find his pronouncements on this subject to be any less offensive than I do yours who'd rather keep women in the kitchen (except for the Slunt, of course) and Negroes in the field.

I think the policies of Israel, at least domestically, are about as fucked up as they are in other repressive, reactionary countries. Their government bends over to a bunch of right wing assholes who won't touch a woman (let alone an asian sex worker.) Kinda like the "Glassl Tea Party."

Of course, they're OK with cocksuckers, which is probably why some of you dudes are giving Bibi and his band of RWW's a pass.
Go Ride a Rectum Assy Fucke... I'll take the conservative every time. You stand for nothing. I saw your melt down and LMAO

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Glazov: The Meltdown of Danielle Dimacali

A reflection on what a Jew-Hater might not have sobbed about.

Last week, the UCLA Student Council rejected an anti-Israel divestment resolution by a vote of 7-5, dealing a devastating blow to the BDS movement on campus. TruthRevolt’s Editor-in-Chief, Ben Shapiro, a UCLA alumnus, showed up and delivered a powerful two-minute speech that brilliantly unveiled the pernicious hypocrisy and double standards of the BDS movement.

The BDS movement’s defeat didn’t sit well with the anti-Israel students, especially with a certain Danielle Dimacali, the student council’s note-taker, who engaged in some intriguing behavior in the student council meeting following the resolution’s defeat. The clip of her performance, which included sobbing and pounding on the table, is a must-view.

In the comments section afterwards at the Daily Bruin, Dimacali accused her critics of “obvious blatant racist microaggression.” Her behavior reflected well the meltdowns of many other BDS supporters, who were foaming at the mouth about their failure to contribute to the world’s racist assault on the Jewish State.

Upon watching the video of Danielle Dimacali’s response to the momentary defeat of her movement’s mission, I couldn’t keep from wondering a few things:

I wondered how many tears Dimacali had shed for Ilan Halimi, the young French Jewish man in Paris who was kidnapped in 2006 by a group called the “Gang of Barbarians” and tortured horrifically over a period of three weeks, which finally ended in his tragic death. The gang members cut his fingers, ears, bits of his flesh; they burned him with acid and poured flammable liquid on him and set him on fire. Four-fifths of his body was mutilated by torture.

I couldn’t help from wondering: how did Dimacali react when she learned of the terror and unimaginable suffering that Ilan had endured? What were her emotions when she thought of how the gang forced Ilan’s mother to listen to her son’s tortured screams over the phone while they simultaneously recited Quranic verses to her? What were Dimacali’s feelings when, at his trial, the leader of the gang, Youssouf Fofana, smirked at Ilan’s mom and relatives and shouted, “Allahu akbar”?

Did Dimacali sob and pound on a table?

Did she whimper?

Or has she till this day never even heard of Ilan Halimi?

Have any of her friends?

Would she care?

Would they?

I also couldn’t help reflecting on what Dimacali’s emotional reaction must have been when, in March 2011, she learned of the fate of the Fogel family in the West Bank community of Itamar. Two Palestinian teenagers broke into the Fogel’s home and murdered five members of the family -- the parents, 11- and 4-year-old boys, and a 3-month-old girl. They shot the parents to the death; stabbed the boys to death; and slit the throat of 3-month-old crying Hadas.

The two perpetrators, Hakim Mazen Awad, 18, and Amjad Mahmad Awad, 19, later, upon interrogation, expressed great regret ….. that they had not killed two other Fogel boys, 8-year-old Roi and 2-year-old Yishai, who were sleeping in the house and were, consequently, left undetected by the two intruders.

Staff Edit, no kid pics. CC

I couldn’t keep from wondering: what kind of moaning and pounding on a table did Dimacali engage in when she learned of the 3-month-old crying Hadas having her throat slit?

How did Dimacali stutter and whine when she brooded and agonized over how the two murderers are today praised as “heroes” and “legends” in Palestinian society?

Or has Dimacali till this day never even heard of the Fogel family?

Have any of her friends?

Would she care?

Would they?

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror and the host of Frontpage’s TV show, The Glazov Gang (Like on Facebook).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point, Dim Bulbo?

Why do you care? Because you're a fucking christian and fucking Christians have a stake in the societal dysfunction of Medinat Israel? HA!

No, you're a slobbering idiot who has yet to present a single cogent thought or authored a thread of any political significance since the creation of this forum.

You suck.