Do the Right Thing. Contact the Mods and tell them what you and her did so the story does not have to be made public.

Whispers's Avatar
He => Gave his his log in and account information to a Provider so she could Login and read ROS and Locker Room information.

SHE=> Gave her log in and and account information to him so he could read Provider areas.

He justifies it by saying others do far worse.....

There are a lot of things around here we cannot control but the basic premise of TRUST is something that should be sacred to all.

Ladies should be able to TRUST each other not to betray their private areas.

Guys should be able to TRUST that what they write is not outed in any manner to anyone. Especially by another guy.

When you and I talked yesterday you could not explain the why. But you and I know you have been prone to getting a little too emotionally invested in a few of your relationships.... In thinking and wanting to be "special" to one of these ladies.

When you admitted it to me I let you know clearly that you needed to contact a Mod and fess up. That in the long run it would be better for you as well as the lady.

If they match IPs as they surely can do and see your account being used at her location and her account being used by you at your location you could both face more serious ramifications.

You obviously wanted to be her White Knight by giving her access....

Fall on your sword and take the hit. It will minimize the disciplinary actions taken if you do.

We have too many problems on the board with information leaking that we can't control, Ones we can deal with can't be ignored.
Whispers's Avatar
I would like to ask the Mods to Lock this thread if the guy/gal comes forward and fesses up and is dealt with.

If not I'll provide the details and additional information this evening.
  • Robyn
  • 02-01-2011, 09:42 AM
Considering the fact that anyone can create an account as a "male" poster and pay $20 for premium access... I don't think anything posted (especially in ROS or Locker Room) should ever be considered private.

It wouldn't shock me at all if over half the providers had a male nym they use to read the ROS of their reviews.
harkontume's Avatar
Considering the fact that anyone can create an account as a "male" poster and pay $20 for premium access... I don't think anything posted (especially in ROS or Locker Room) should ever be considered private.

It wouldn't shock me at all if over half the providers had a male nym they use to read the ROS of their reviews. Originally Posted by Robyn

Sorry but thats just Bull caca.

That is NO justification if a member did this.
  • Robyn
  • 02-01-2011, 10:23 AM
I don't think it's justified to give your log in to anybody.

I was just saying that it's a joke to think that providers don't ever see ROS or Locker Room when access is so easily obtained.
I was just saying that it's a joke to think that providers don't ever see ROS or Locker Room when access is so easily obtained. Originally Posted by Robyn
Yeah, it's just the nature of things. Regardless of whether or not leaks or justified, leaks are going to happen, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. It's just like the entertainment industry, who has been fighting piracy for years, and losing. After awhile, you have to wonder how long one should try pissing into the wind before you finally realize how counter-productive it is.

If there's one thing you should know about the internet, it's that the internet does not keep secrets. So if you're trying to keep something under lock and key (whether that be a message board, a song, movie, book, or whatever), and assuming other people really want access to it, you're fighting a losing battle.

Moral to this post? If you have something to say that you don't want others knowing about, don't post it online. Period, end of discussion. I would even say it's a waste of time to even have those private areas, but then... the board has to make money somehow, I suppose. I just wish the site owners would be a little more up front with people about how completely insecure these areas are, and will always be.
Budman's Avatar
Moral to this post? If you have something to say that you don't want others knowing about, don't post it online. Period, end of discussion. I would even say it's a waste of time to even have those private areas, but then... the board has to make money somehow, I suppose. I just wish the site owners would be a little more up front with people about how completely insecure these areas are, and will always be. Originally Posted by WorknMan
I think we all agree that there are leaks and information posted in the ROS or ML are not kept entirely secret. IMO what it does do is keep the people who should not have this info from posting rebuttals and creating a shitload of drama. If a provider sees something in a review ROS that pisses her off she most likely will not post a thread calling the hobbyist out. If everything becomes public then every review with any negative comment will be met with "Well that's his side of the story, let me tell you what really happened" bullshit.
harkontume's Avatar
Sorry but I am with Whispers on this.

All kinds of things "happen all the time" but should not be tolerated and when found out need to be exposed.
Whispers's Avatar
The minute you become accepting of the behavior you condone it and we lose far more.
NipLover's Avatar
The evidence before the court is
Incontrovertible, there's no need for
The jury to retire.
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving
Of the full penalty of law.
The way you made them suffer,
Your exquisite wife and mother,
Fills me with the urge to defecate!

Since, my friend, you have revealed your
Deepest fear,
I sentence you to be exposed before
Your peers.
Tear down the wall!
sixxbach's Avatar
Security is very important to ECCIE. Always keep in mind that we are a volunteer staff and it does take time to verify proof of misdeeds. However, be confident that we take this very seriously and will come down on those individuals.

This matter has been handled....

sixxbach's Avatar
Security is very important to ECCIE. Always keep in mind that we are a volunteer staff and it does take time to verify proof of misdeeds. However, be confident that we take this very seriously and will come down on those individuals.

This matter has been handled....
