Review Left out in the cold by Lolabrea01

Date: 12/22/2014
Provider: Lolabrea01
Phone: 214-603-8848
Email Address: will provide after screening
URL / Website:
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Address: North Fort Worth
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: n/a
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: unknown
Age: ??
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Never got to see
Recommendation: No
bored@home's Avatar
Maybe once it gets moved to coed we will find out..
NCNS go in COED.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 12-26-2014, 08:33 PM
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe she found someone better to boinck?
Originally Posted by motor -RELEASE the WK
Maybe she fell asleep and she's still asleep, lol.
Clouddancer's Avatar
I have to commend you sir for giving it some time for her to respond before posting. That is how this should be handled.

Sorry it happened, but sometimes, shit happens.
Hopefully she is okay and it will all get sorted out.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 12-27-2014, 11:38 AM
That's unlike her, I hope all is well. She is usually the definition of a professioanal.
RELEASE the WK Originally Posted by motor
First I am not a WK! I have seen Lola a few times, she was always courteous, professional and communicated great, plus we enjoyed each others company.

This is not like Her, and something must be happening, she no longer has an ECCIE showcase. I had emailed her a couple times earlier this month and all seemed well. Hope she is OK and sorry OP that you had a bad experience.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Friday morning, I emailed her to confirm our appointment. She replied that she was not feeling good and asked if we could re-schedule. We rescheduled for Monday, 12/22/2014 and I was perfectly fine with that.

Monday morning I emailed her again to confirm our appointment (11a appointment). she replied that we were still on. Gave me the address of her incall sans apartment number and said to txt her when I arrived to get apartment number.

I arrived at the apartment complex @ 11a. I drove to her building number and txted her. No response. After a few minutes I txted her again. No response. I then emailed her. No response. I txted her again, still no response. I waited until 11:30a and then txted her that I couldn't wait any longer and had to leave.

Later that day I emailed her, told her I hope she was Ok and asked her what happened? I never got a response. Still don't know what happened... [/ROS]Recommendation: No[/QUOTE]

You know KSCS has the second date thing. Let me know if you do it. it will blow the legs off the little old ladies and boost the station's revenues!
will88's Avatar
I hope she contact you because I have her in my immediate plans. I think she's one sexy spinner!
That sucks.. Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully she will make it up to you because as far as I know everyone has always had good things to say about her. Otherwise- not cool!
Ummm...haven't seen any white knights yet. . .you guys are really excited to see some, even found/created memes, I see even they have fans, hehehe!