Senile Biden seeks to screw everyday Americans once again by ending cheaper alternatives to the Obamacare boondoggle

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Biden Seeks To End Cheaper Obamacare Alternatives, Expect Another Supreme Court Smackdown

Biden’s efforts to produce more inflation are nonstop, 24×7.

His latest move is a set of regulations to force people into Obamacare despite the fact a District Court already ruled against his proposed regulations.

To understand what Biden wants to do, and why the Supreme Court is likely to smack it down, we need to review a District Court ruling from 2020.

On July 24, 2020, CATO reported In a Win for Consumers, a Court Ruling Affirms the Legality of Short‐​Term Health Insurance Plans

The Wall Street Journal comments on Biden’s Short-Sighted New Health Rule

Behold the President’s plan to limit short-term health insurance plans in order to jam more consumers into the heavily subsidized and regulated ObamaCare exchanges. The Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury Departments on Friday proposed rules to roll back the Trump Administration’s expansion of short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) plans. Since 2018 these plans have been available in 12-month increments, and consumers have been able to renew them for up to 36 months.

These plans are especially attractive to young people whose employers don’t provide coverage. Why would a healthy 26-year-old want to pay for maternity, pediatric and other services he probably won’t use in the near future?

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As usual, Senile Biden is out to screw everyday Americans by increasing the price of their healthcare
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Never heard of short term health insurance until this. Sounds like a good idea if you’re young or between jobs. It looks more along the lines of car insurance, which can be a good thing. Imagine how much car coverage would cost if it paid for brakes, tires, oil changes, gas, etc. This is why health insurance is so expensive, people want it to pay for EVERYTHING.

I remember my parents talking about “major medical” as a work benefit in the 80s, I’m pretty sure it had similar coverage to these short term plans. When your parents took you to the doctor they wrote a check. The insurance kicked in if it was a major, aka expensive, problem that required hospitalization.

An added bonus is that when people are paying for things it drives down their cost. You can absolutely negotiate with healthcare providers if you’re paying cash. Self insured (rich) people do it all the time and the hospitals come down a ton, like a $100k hospital bill for $30k in cash. It’s the same small scale. When little Johnny gets an ear infection and needs antibiotics, start calling around. Tell them up front that you’re paying cash and it’ll be 1/2 of what they’d usually charge.
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah, these short term health insurance plans aren't for everyone - but they are a good option for some people, in particular, younger, healthy adults who don't have pre-existing conditions and don't need certain types of coverage.

Why Senile Biden would get rid of them - forcing people in them into higher cost Obamacare plans (which not only will cost the subscribers greater premiums but will also cost the taxpayers the amount of any subsidies given to the subscriber) is inexplicable.

And you are absolutely correct. When you have to pay for things yourself, you are more aware and it drives down costs. Doctors, hospitals, etc do provide significant discounts for non-insured cash only patients. The hospital and physician offices charge masters have little semblance in reality to what the services actually cost. For surgical procedures, hospital services, a 70% to 80% discount for cash is not unheard of because the list prices are marked up even more than 80%