Female friendly provider question

bored@home's Avatar
Question to the ladies that like ladies, are the female rates the same?
I have newish housekeeper that is cool and pretty mature for her age (mid 20's). The last few visits she has been a bit chatty. Today, being slow, I was more engaging and low and behold I got a ear full. Long story short she has had a female fantasy and been looking for a female hookup on fling type sites and hasn't been successful. Her listing reads like someone seeking intimacy and understanding etc. (pretty much opposite of NSA hookup etiquette to me). The few responses she had all had undertones of "arrangement" and being blunt were not very attractive.

The wheels started spinning "how cool would it be if I found her dream girl and made that happen". The catch though is her description of the first time seems very drawn out....like multi hour of getting to know and feeling comfortable blah, yawn, blah. (first time I ever actually yawned during girl/girl talk).
To sum up
A) are rates the same
B) would you see a curious virgin
C) could you seal the deal in a hour (see b) or not
D) do the client attractivene$$ rule$ apply for females (she is not ugly but not "show stopper wow" & curvy/thickish)

^^^other than maybe arranging and location, I'm not involved^^^
What a story. *wink wink* And your housekeeper must be making bank if she's in her mid 20's and is in the market for a multi-hour date...

Cheekiness aside, clients who are women are so elusive, to me at least. It seems that in cities in the Northeast and West coasts that are perceived to be more "progressive," women clients may be more abundant. I'm totally down as I'm attracted to people of all genders.

Outside of the demimonde, I'd suggest she give OkCupid a try.
I'm down I love women
bored@home's Avatar
Oh I seriously doubt she could afford a session let alone a multi hour. I just equated her run down to our realm as likely a multiple hour engagement. At the time I was feeling adventurous generous and thinking what means I had to make it happen i.e. "professional help".
The more I thought about it the less generous I felt hence item C

Time will tell...feeling like maybe was just caught up in the moment. Really don't want jinx our current strictly cleaning arrangement (does top notch work and not really attracted to her)
mrredcat43's Avatar
So you're gonna watch from the closet?