I am a huge Fan of Erotica in all forms, I love the stories, pictures, complete and tasteful Art..

LOVE Alberto Vargas sexy pinups and erotic art..

My passion at this point is erotic stories that I have been collecting, writing and reading.

My most recent addition to my BOTH my websites is a blog forum with erotic stories..

DO you gents LIKE this, does it turn you on as much as it does me?


This picture TO ME,, is womanhood,, raw and simple:
Iaintliein's Avatar
I am a huge fan of the classic pin up, both illustrated and photographed. If I had the privacy to pursue it, I'd seek to find it every week. As it is, here is my latest attempt, despite the beautiful model; DallasBella, still short of what I'd like to achieve. I doubt I'll ever get there digitally.

The version without Corel Painter:

Iaintliein's Avatar
Still more playtime.

An Impressionist view of DallasBella

josejaxon's Avatar
I have seen your video and erotic pictures I just felt that I have also start loving erotic stories, videos and many stuff. I must say that you are a very big fan of erotics but now I am also love to watch erotic girls them videos and many more.