Biden and Xi Have A Lengthy Phone Call Concerning Ukraine.

Biden laid the law down, and then Xi told him…….”need I remind you that you are bought and paid for”.

Of course, that is not what’s being reported, but you can bet that’s what happened.

Xi is a bigger Thug than Putin, and that’s saying a lot. They sense weakness.

China also knows that while the US can refuse to buy oil from Russia, there is no way that the American Voter will risk loosing the cheap shit at WalMart and Dollar General.

Taiwan had better be locked and loaded. They’re next.
bambino's Avatar
What a joke.
winn dixie's Avatar
oeb would love this thread.

Yeah xi is bidens puppet master
Chung Tran's Avatar

no way that the American Voter will risk loosing the cheap shit at WalMart and Dollar General. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think you mean ''losing the cheap shit...''

I hope so. I don't particularly like the visual of ''loosing...''

Xi and Putin go way back, they are tight. I think it will take more than Biden to move Xi's support away from Russia.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Taiwan had better be locked and loaded. They’re next. Originally Posted by Jackie S
keeping a logistics line to taiwan is harder than to Ukraine.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think you mean ''losing the cheap shit...''

I hope so. I don't particularly like the visual of ''loosing...''

Xi and Putin go way back, they are tight. I think it will take more than Biden to move Xi's support away from Russia. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

no. they are not that tight. what they have going is an "understanding" in a business arrangement. nothing more.

do you trust a country with 1 billion people over a country of 130 million people?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don't worry, I have it on good authority that VM is "concerned" about this call and will not stop till he finds out what they both said. I can't wait for his report.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ignint Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so .. sub-chimp

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Biden is a time-share that Putin and Xi both own because of Hunter. They have information that could put Hunter away and we know how Biden gets when talking about his bread winner...I mean son.
dimocrats have met their match

in america dimocrats are the masters of word re-definition and political sleight of hand and accusing others of exactly what they, themselves, do

dimcrats can take truth and twist it beyond its breaking point

but now they have met the masters

the communist chinese have less shame than even the dimocrats

and they know how to embrass these dimocrats on the world stage, using every thing dimocrats use in america to try to keep power, against them

if dimocrats tear down america and the founding, if dimocrats claim america is systemically racist, if the cops are racist, if free speech shoudl be eliminated, if wokeness should rule, if dimocrats hate thier own constituion

well the chinese use all that and more as proof of our eviilness plus the chinese can and do disrespect these chumps in so many ways
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I just keep thinking of the Parker Brothers game "Risk"
Whomever makes the correct choices at game start, always wins.
I think the real question is if Biden has realized that the US really can't do anything about mainland Asia except cut off financial, which any of the Asian countries can probably get around.
I wonder when the WhiteHouse will release the transcript of the call so we can here Biden chastising Xi for unleashing a pandemic that has killed millions and wrecked economies.

I’m sure Biden laid the law down.
It had to be a lengthy call since Biden sounds like a dipshit who can’t put two words together without fucking them up