Toys for Twat

I am running my own Christmas Special. I am hoping the rest of you guys will join me in this "Toys for Twat" initiative.

I have seen several providers offering a small discount in exchange for bringing a toy or gift card of say $20.

Why stop there.

If you are really in the Christmas spirit, I challenge one provider to offer me a free hour of her time in exchange for me making a $250 (or whatever her advertised hourly rate is) donation to a toys for tots like charity. If you don't trust me to make the donation prior to the session, we can discuss the details and find a suitable person to verify the donation. If you prefer an older guy with less energy, I have a volunteer to stand in as long as I don't have to watch. (I hear he is an easy visit)

I will write an honest review of the session if you like. You also must pass my screening, my availability sucks and I like big boobs. I am also not bi, sorry guys.

Merry Christmas
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll volunteer! I'm funny about screening, though. Not sure if I will pass! I keep changing what I've previously written so ... this is an interesting idea!

Please send me a PM if you're interested. And if you're not, no hard feelings at all. Hope someone enjoys and appreciates this exchange. (Besides, I have done NOTHING this holiday season for anyone, yet! So it's a good thing for me as well.)

geezerdude2's Avatar
E, that's an awesome gesture!
I volunteer....I don't have big boobs though.
RoDunn's Avatar
I plan to do the opposite. I plan to contribute to one of these ladies Christmas drives without taking advantage of a session discount. I think it's great that they do this. Sacrificing income in order to help those less fortunate is the true spirit of Christmas.
I plan to do the opposite. I plan to contribute to one of these ladies Christmas drives without taking advantage of a session discount. I think it's great that they do this. Sacrificing income in order to help those less fortunate is the true spirit of Christmas. Originally Posted by RoDunn

...and I like big boobs. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Yeah, I know you're not bi, but what about man boobs? Some of these dudes are way hot with their smexy ass titties.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I'll join Elizabeth, well, not at the same time. (Don't get greedy. That's a whole different type of session.) Read my signature line and you'll see my "Toys for Tarts" offer. If someone here in Houston really wants to donate $250 in toys, we can go to Toys R' Us or Wal*Mart together, get a basketful, drop it off, then he can drop in gratis for one of my 2-hour stocking stuffings. Toss in lunch, and there's an afternoon that will leave you feeling GREAT on multiple levels!
flexywun's Avatar
actually went shopping tonight to buy some toys in prep of taking a nice lady up on her toys for tots offer. will withhold her name to protect the innocent. by the way, should i feel bad that i think the Barbie's look alot hotter than i remember when i was a kid?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll join Elizabeth, well, not at the same time. (Don't get greedy. That's a whole different type of session.) Read my signature line and you'll see my "Toys for Tarts" offer. If someone here in Houston really wants to donate $250 in toys, we can go to Toys R' Us or Wal*Mart together, get a basketful, drop it off, then he can drop in gratis for one of my 2-hour stocking stuffings. Toss in lunch, and there's an afternoon that will leave you feeling GREAT on multiple levels! Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
As always, you have great ideas!!!

Like a lot of people, I mean well but often I just don't DO things like this although in my heart, I always keep meaning to! So this is a good opportunity. And I don't mind doing this a couple of times during the season.

Although I will add one caveat. Toys for Tots is fine. But I have a personal non-profit that was really kind to me during a personal time of need and I would wish for the "benefits" to go to them. Or if there is another organization, that's fine. But there are so many small non-profits that need assistance in Dallas that I would prefer to help them instead of a national one.

And I mean this. IF SOMEONE IS SERIOUS, I will offer a couple of appointments, or afternoons like mentioned above, to help out some in need.

It would be my pleasure. And yours too, I hope!!!!

Most sincerely,
tsrv4me's Avatar
I think it is a really great idea that you ladies have proposed ....Had a great Christmas last year ....It turned out different than originally expected but BETTER ..My wife and I went to get groceries at Wal-Mart ....decided to walk thru toy dept .....and if there was little kid there we would buy him a bike one in Toy Dept when we went thru ....that was on Saturday .On Monday she called me and said a lady she worked with was working with the church to provide for a family with two young boys at Christmas .She suggested we purchase bikes for the two boys ...That night we went to Wal-Mart to get the two bikes ...We didnt know what size we really needed but there was a mother with two young boys shopping for Christmas ..they helped us ...The boys had $25 gift cards and that was the extent of their Christmas,and they were very happy with that ..They helped us pick out the right bikes for the other two boys ...When we finished .My wife and I looked at each other a grinned and both said Can we buy your boys bikes for helping us ....She said is was not Needed but we disagreed we told the boys to pick out bikes they wanted .....They were so darn excited and giggling and looking at every bike there....Then Grnadma .Who we didnt know was there .LOL walked around the corner with two girls ,sisters to the boys ....So we purchased bikes for the girls also ..We had the most fun of all of us .and figured we had one of the best Christmases in years .......will probably do something very similar this weekend ..
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I think it is a really great idea that you ladies have proposed ....Had a great Christmas last year ....It turned out different than originally expected but BETTER ..My wife and I went to get groceries at Wal-Mart ....decided to walk thru toy dept .....and if there was little kid there we would buy him a bike one in Toy Dept when we went thru ....that was on Saturday .On Monday she called me and said a lady she worked with was working with the church to provide for a family with two young boys at Christmas .She suggested we purchase bikes for the two boys ...That night we went to Wal-Mart to get the two bikes ...We didnt know what size we really needed but there was a mother with two young boys shopping for Christmas ..they helped us ...The boys had $25 gift cards and that was the extent of their Christmas,and they were very happy with that ..They helped us pick out the right bikes for the other two boys ...When we finished .My wife and I looked at each other a grinned and both said Can we buy your boys bikes for helping us ....She said is was not Needed but we disagreed we told the boys to pick out bikes they wanted .....They were so darn excited and giggling and looking at every bike there....Then Grnadma .Who we didnt know was there .LOL walked around the corner with two girls ,sisters to the boys ....So we purchased bikes for the girls also ..We had the most fun of all of us .and figured we had one of the best Christmases in years .......will probably do something very similar this weekend .. Originally Posted by tsrv4me
Now THAT'S the way to really make a difference, and a memory, on a personal level. Advance purchase of the two bikes for the church's needy family was wonderful, but for buying 4 more as spur-of-the-moment-we-care good deeds for kids who just happened to be there, I toast you.

Bikes - $400 to $600. Seeing the grins on lit-up wee faces - priceless!
As is our tradition, the lil men and I went shopping today for Toys for Tots. A great and long time friend of mine ( gratuitous plug, watch her series "Lingerie" on Cinemax ) has organized a toy drive in L.A. ( which is way too freakin' far away for me, but what are you going to do? ) and when she announced her drive, I asked if I could have the liberty of donating a toy here (well, not *here* -- I'm still in St. Lou) in her wee one's name.

She agreed, but M balked at picking out a "girls toy." My elder son took the lead in lecturing him on gender equality, and as a result M decided that he should choose two ( in addition to the one Papapa was paying for ) which he would pay for out of his allowance (basically everything he had) and his brother promptly matched the offer.

I couldn't be prouder of either of them.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm offering a special in my ads, where $25 -$75 of each of the donations I receive per booking, will go directly to the cause. I am accepting gift cards for the "Moms" in our own little community. I'm willing to do one session and work out a deal with one gent if he will give directly to this cause, by either bringing the donation/gift cards/gifts directly to me or delivering it directly to one of the Moms who have already contacted me for help. Naturally the gent will have to pass screening. I've already raised a little bit for these ladies and directed business their way so they could help themselves, but would like to help as many more as we can. $250 worth of toys, gifts or gift cards will change the outcome of the holidays for at least one Mom here who otherwise might have a hard time.

Everyone else is welcome to contact me for information on how to help or donate even if they don't book an appointment. If you are not interested and have other charities you feel more passionate about, then no worries. Help the charity you feel is best suited for you and thanks!
pyramider's Avatar
Its called the Christmas Spirit. Or if you do not believe its called good karma.