Ode to the Penis Poem, S/M slant

  • Sonja
  • 02-22-2012, 11:04 PM
A Poem by Lady Nancy Ava Miller, founder of PEP (People Exchanging Power) in NM first in the U.S. Thought it was worth a post:
Ode to the Penis:
A Sexual Meditation
By Nancy Ava Miller

People claim I must be sick
Because I stroke my hot, red dick
Stroke it once and stroke it twice
Because it feels so smooth, so nice
Slimy-wet and nasty, too
There's nothing I would rather do!
I tried to tell my strait-laced wife
I tried to tell, but that caused strife.
In group therapy, I confessed
Told the gang I was obsessed
Not just with my bloated schlong
(Stroke it hard and stroke it long!)
But thinking, too, of pussy lips
And leather skirts and ladies' tits
Pale as moonrays, nipples stiff
The thought sure gives my dick a lift!

The therapist, she shook her head
I'd like to get that cunt in bed
Show her I'm a real man
Whap her ass till it turns tan
Lick her toes. She'll squeal for more!
Make that gal my personal whore.
Ram a dildo up her slit
While gnawing on her swollen clit.
Spread her ass crack. Munch there, too.
Then spurt my cum into her shoe-
A spike high heel-so trim! So neat!
I'd love to spurt upon her feet
I'd love to drink her pussy clean
Then beg her to treat me mean
Dress me up in garter belts
Decorate my bum with welts
Blistered by her riding crop
The blows descend though I cry "STOP!"

I'm tied! I'm bound! Can barely squirm.
She tells me I'm a filthy worm
She calls my prick a "useless knob"
-A phrase that makes it grow and throb
I'd like to grab it then and there
But if I could, I wouldn't dare!
Besides my hands are cuffed above
I gaze at her. Could this be love?
She glides a finger up my ass
And wiggles it first slow, then fast
She pumps that finger out and in
She stabs my penis with a pin
She slides the finger higher still
I'm at her mercy, at her will
I move my ass. My thighs are spread.
She plops her pussy on my head
I kiss, I nibble, lap and suck
This sure beats a standard fuck.
She pisses in my mouth. I spit.
(I sure hope she doesn't shit!)
She shaves my pubis with Gillette.
Tells me I'm her precious pet.
A door creaks open there and then
And enters now a Lesbian!
Her muscles bulge from everywhere
Her flattop doesn't look like hair
A metal rod runs through her nose.
You'd not catch her in pantyhose!
Her motorcycle boots ride high
She tells me I'm a lucky guy
"My cunt is wet," she says with glee,
"But not from pussy juice or pee."

She yanks a tampon from her gash
The cotton looks like pulpy mash
Menstrual goo leaks down her thigh
I start to babble, start to cry
She puts the Tampax near my lip
She pats my penis with her whip
She wipes the tampon on my face
How rude! Disgusting! Downright base!
And yet I love this helpless state
I tell the dyke that I can't wait
To place my mouth into her cunt
She hisses that my dick's a runt.
She cups it in her leathery hand
I swear! She looks just like a man!
She squeezes strong; her nails dig in
My balls bulge out. Is this a sin?
For what would God or Wifey say
To see me now-stretched out this way?

Tomorrow I may much regret
That I craved pussy- plump and wet
That I craved a Gay gal on the rag.
Craved to be fingered like a fag.
Tomorrow I may kiss my bride.
Spread her pussy glistening wide
Insert my cock into her pit.
Give her rump a quick hard hit.
She says I'm psycho; says I'm mad
I dream of sex I could have had
The therapist! The Lesbian!
I ponder things that might have been
I pump my wife, pump deep and long.
I make her kiss my pulsing schlong
She says I'm bonkers; I'm unsound
I tell her she's too tightly wound
And yet I love my little wife
Whom I've known most all my life
I think about my dick a lot
And stroke it till it's thick and hot
I stroke it once or twice a day
When the little wife's away.
But even though I love my pole
Without my wife, I'd not be whole.
Is sex a sin? Oh, who can tell!
When God made sex, he made it well.
They say that God is like a king
They say that God made everything.
They say He made both wife and man.
He must have made that Lesbian.
They say that God made wind and rain.
Some say life is filled with pain.
Filled with pain, but good things, too
Like kids and love and morning dew.
And filled with sex—good as life gets
And God made Gays and God made 'hets
He made whips and dildos, too.
He even made a high-heeled shoe.
He made the Earth; he made the sky.
It's not for me to question why.
If God made wind and God made rain
And God placed porn shops down on Main
He also made my trembling dick
If God made that, I can't be sick!
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