I want to sponser a FBSM section!

relax2013's Avatar
Just wondering if we can have a fbsm section like BP does...Its hard enough to compete on here with gfe providers as is...and I wouldn't mind sponsoring it and paying for a banner and such...please give it some thought...hell that's extra revenue with relax2013 sponsoring and isn't websites like this made to generate revenue for the owners anyways????

Little Caesar's Avatar
Just wondering if we can have a fbsm section like BP does...Its hard enough to compete on here with gfe providers as is...and I wouldn't mind sponsoring it and paying for a banner and such...please give it some thought...hell that's extra revenue with relax2013 sponsoring and isn't websites like this made to generate revenue for the owners anyways????

Lindsey Originally Posted by relax2013
+1 on the FBSM section.

Relax2013, I need to come see you soon!
I too would like to see this
OldGrump's Avatar
FBSM and an "Old Guys" Forum would both serve special interests well. I would vote for either one or both.

I suspect it has a lot to do with keeping each city's format similar for ease of maintenance. A bulletin board forum such as this one is a lot of work and the mods only get paid with free pussy (that is a tongue-in-cheek reference to a thread in co-ed and not a serious belief).
yes both suggested would be welcome
rkymtnrookie's Avatar
+1. Been a long time cumming
Sounds like a great idea! I'd like to see that happen...
+1 here....always enjoy the fsbm..
I just wanted to add that if the ECCIE staff DOES decide to open a FBSM forum here in DFW that I will also be willing to sponsor it with a 6 month ad placement..

I don't wanna toot my own horn, but I give a helluva good massage (toot toot)

Deep massages are my specialty but they can range from feather to deep tissue. I've even been considering my girlfriends' advice on going to massage school so I can get fully licensed since I'm really good already. Wouldn't hurt to try

I really hope this is something ECCIE decides to do in the future! I'll fully back my offer & will gladly help with a banner or advertising

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy this cool weather we're finally getting!

+1. I was just thinking the same thing. I'm looking thru the search function for FBSM providers right now. Should would be easier if it had its own section.

I just wanted to add that if the ECCIE staff DOES decide to open a FBSM forum here in DFW that I will also be willing to sponsor it with a 6 month ad placement..

I really hope this is something ECCIE decides to do in the future! I'll fully back my offer & will gladly help with a banner or advertising
Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Mee too!
I agree!! Lets get that going!
You can agree or disagree but I side with him http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=158478&highlight=fbsm
TrailBlazer's Avatar
I disagree. A Rubdown/FBSM would be extremely beneficial.
in for a +1 vote too. One thought though to differentiate the FBSM forum from the normal GFE sections may be to only post FSBM with only up to L2??

Not sure how possible or well received that would be ... dont shoot me, i'm just the messenger to the voices in my head!!