Essential Safety for SWs

tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 01-27-2019, 03:23 AM
I don't mean to SPAM here, but this week a couple of friends have had "instances." They are both okay; they have gotten both professional help and they have gotten love and support from the community. I'm not going to kiss and tell, so don't ask. Respect privacies. With that said, I'm sharing this hoping that it might help someone. Most of the things covered here are pretty common knowledge, but this is a good thing, a great organization, and there are resources listed that might help. Please check it out. Please stay safe. If you stay safe today then you can have fun tomorrow.
sue_nami's Avatar
thank you hun, useful info and always good to refresh our awareness on the these issues.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Great Post, Sir. All of our ladies deserve to be safe, even the minute few who will take advantage of the guy. Violence is never justified. Play safe, ladies.