CNN Reporter Remarked Taliban 'Seem Friendly.' Then They Tried to Pistol Whip Her Producer.

  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 01:02 PM

CNN's Clarissa Ward is on the ground bravely covering the chaos in Kabul amid the U.S. withdrawal and on Monday — for whatever reason — remarked that the Taliban seemed "friendly" despite their chants of "Death to America," as Leah reported yesterday:
It was déjà vu for those watching CNN’s “New Day” on Monday as the network’s chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward reported on the deteriorating situation in Kabul, Afghanistan.
While the scene and situation were entirely different from the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last August, the network’s description of the events taking place were quite similar.
As scenes of Taliban members holding up weapons and chanting appear on screen, Ward notes that they’re chanting “‘Death to America, but they seem friendly at the same time.”
“It’s utterly bizarre,” she added.
In a case of life-comes-at-you-fast, a CNN report from Ward on Wednesday revealed that — despite her "utterly bizarre" situation with the "friendly" Taliban earlier — fighters tried to pistol-whip her producer.
"The most frightening moment for our team came when our producer... was taking some video on his iPhone," Ward explained, when "two Taliban fighters just came up with their pistols, and they were ready to pistol-whip him and we had to intervene and scream" before another Taliban fighter stopped the attack by explaining the CNN crew were journalists.
Ward continued by explaining the nearly impossible task for those seeking to get to Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport and get out of Afghanistan after watching citizens try to get through or around Taliban checkpoints. "This was mayhem, this was nuts, this was impossible for an ordinary civilian even if they had their paperwork," she described. "No way they’re running that gauntlet — no way they’re going to be able to navigate that," she concluded somberly.

'bravely covering the murderous Taliban as a female not in a burqua"!
Where is CT - teh bastion of Trust of teh 'Noble taliban" - in reality just another DPST terrorist tool - as OBLM and anti-Fa.

Why not take some Taliban Home to night - CT - put them up in your own home
See what the consequences might be, Hmmmmm?????

noble, non-violent, trustworthy taliban - right CT - yeah - 'Right"!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Mostly peaceful insurgency.
texassapper's Avatar
Well when they rape her, I just hope she remembers that it would be white supremecist to cry because in their culture rape is common, and who is she to judge? lol

Aside: I was with a group of soldiers crossing the border between Syria and Jordan back in the early 90s. We had a Blonde civilian with us.. we men literally had to form a ring around her to keep those grubby camel jockeys from tearing her clothes off and assaulting her...this in peacetime and a govt. checkpoint. It fcuking blew my mind that men could act like that. They were one step up from animals... and not a big step either...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Correct. The reporter and the producer are white supremacists.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Aside: I was with a group of soldiers crossing the border between Syria and Jordan back in the early 90s. We had a Blonde civilian with us.. we men literally had to form a ring around her to keep those grubby camel jockeys from tearing her clothes off and assaulting her...this in peacetime and a govt. checkpoint. It fcuking blew my mind that men could act like that. They were one step up from animals... and not a big step either... Originally Posted by texassapper
Turkey is horrible for that too. Did a weekender there with the old lady, never again. A hundred or so guys would’ve been spitting up teeth if I wasn’t afraid of getting ass raped in a Turkish prison for a couple decades. Better to stay in the hotel and avoid confrontation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Peaceful people