Only the Liberal Media Could Come Up With a Headline Like This About the Taliban

  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 05:27 PM

Source: AP Photo/Mohammad Asif Khan

Does anyone really think this is going to happen? I mean, c’mon. The Taliban are going to respect women’s rights. Can a terrorist organization can be trusted on this matter? No. They’re just waiting for us to finally leave. Then, the real slaughter will commence. It’s already occurring in pockets of Afghanistan now that the Taliban have retaken the country. There are reports of summary executions. A woman was shot and killed for not wearing a burqa. And yet, Time magazine seems to give the Taliban the benefit of the doubt because they said they would respect women’s rights. Seriously? Only the liberal media could write this headline with a straight face.
The Taliban Says It Will Now Respect the Rights of Afghan Women—Despite Its Brutal History.”
Excuse me, what (via Time) [emphasis mine]:
The Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect women’s rights, forgive those who fought them and ensure Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorists as part of a publicity blitz aimed at reassuring world powers and a fearful population.
Following a lightning offensive across Afghanistan that saw many cities fall to the insurgents without a fight, the Taliban have sought to portray themselves as more moderate than when they imposed a strict form of Islamic rule in the late 1990s. But many Afghans remain skeptical — and thousands have raced to the airport, desperate to flee the country.
Older generations remember the Taliban’s previous rule, when they largely confined women to their homes, banned television and music, and held public executions. A U.S.-led invasion drove them from power months after the 9/11 attacks, which al-Qaida had orchestrated from Afghanistan while being sheltered by the Taliban.
Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s longtime spokesman, emerged from the shadows Tuesday in his first-ever public appearance to address those concerns at a news conference.
He promised the Taliban would honor women’s rights within the norms of Islamic law, without elaborating. The Taliban have encouraged women to return to work and have allowed girls to return to school, handing out Islamic headscarves at the door. A female news anchor interviewed a Taliban official Monday in a TV studio.
The treatment of women varies widely across the Muslim world and sometimes even within the same country, with rural areas tending to be far more conservative. Some Muslim countries, including neighboring Pakistan, have had female prime ministers, while ultraconservative Saudi Arabia only recently allowed women to drive.
My head is about to explode. We’ve known this, guys. We’ve known the Muslim world is trash on women’s rights, though liberal America has always been there to defend radical Islamists for the sake of political correctness. It’s just pure irony that the Left has tried to yank these people into their coalition despite their hatred of women and other groups that make up the core of the liberal base of America.

Joe Biden Goes COVID Authoritarian As Americans Languish Behind Taliban Lines Spencer Brown

“The Taliban would honor women’s rights within the norms of Islamic law” is just a fancy way of saying that this is never going to happen. These are terrorists who will go back to creating havens for people who want to kill all of us. There’s no sugar-coating it. There’s no counterpoint here. It’s just the facts. Women’s rights are not happening under the Taliban. Who honestly can make this argument without laughing?

Sad that the DPST 'True Believers' -lTheir karens and LGBTQ confused minions - really believe that a strongly worded Blinken protest is more powerful than the millions of AK-47's in the hands of the Taliban terrorists.

so where is letitia james to Sue the taliban for their weapons of mass destruction - ??
Where is letitia james to confiscate taliban ak's in afghanistan after the 'strongly worded protest' from Blinken, etal.????

disappearing down their skunk holes - ASAP!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
More bullshit from igor spaminsky, trumptard extraordinaire.

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What's the headline? I'm not seeing it. I wouldn't call Townhall "liberal media."
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 08:25 AM
G - You are correct