Biden to Afghans: 'See ya, Suckers!'

  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 09:15 AM

Decades ago – on March 2, 1962 – the television show "The Twilight Zone"premiered an episode called “To Serve Man” which centered on the sudden arrival of outer space aliens…who purportedly just wanted to provide humanitarian aid such as advanced chemicals which grew larger crops to end hunger.
Since many world leaders were understandably skeptical of the aliens’ motives, they presented earthlings with a book titled" To Serve Man"written in their own outer space language. (Cryptograhers quickly were drafted to try and decode the symbols on the pages.) The space creatures also offered to fly volunteers to their world to observe as proof that they could be trusted.
But as one of the most gullible American scientists was happily ascending an escalator onto the spaceship, his terrified colleague ran to the bottom of the escalator and—too late—warned him that they had finally deciphered To Serve Man: it was a cookbook! (Fade to black.)
While they are not destined to be on a Martian menu anytime soon, that episode immediately brought to mind the millions of myopic and stupid Americans who last November voted for Joe Biden to become our 46th President. Some were just partisan Democrats or Teamsters or members of the teachers union…garden variety drones who would have elected me President if I’d been the Democratic Party nominee. Others were motivated by Donald Trump’s “mean Tweets” which made them “uncomfortable.” Still others mimicked Punxatawny Phil the groundhog and just reflexively voted for Joe and then burrowed underground, hoping for the best.

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Instead, every one of them bears the guilt and shame of inflicting on our nation a man who is unquestionably the most incompetent and pathetic “leader” in our nation’s history…and who this week has foisted on America and the world the most humiliating defeat imaginable by literally presiding long-distance over the collapse of Afghanistan. This doddering joke – who, let’s face it, everyone knows isn’t reallyin charge—loves to stumble his way through teleprompter speeches which his faceless underlings write for him, referring to our fellow Americans who question his 2020 election as “terrorists.” Meantime, he hid in radio silence at Camp David as actualterrorists took over a country we’d been defending for 20 years.
And he’s left all the Afghans who worked with the U.S. military as translators and in other functions over the past two decades twisting in the wind as Taliban goons begin their door-to-door searches for them. American businessman Joe Lonsdale sent this Tweet: “An Afghan interpreter I have come to know over the years was hung in the streets last night. They melted his (Department of Defense) ID into his chest. Cut off his arms. And killed his family.” He added this chilling note: “His 10-year old daughter was spared and handed off to leadership.”
The fate-worse-than-death that awaits that precious 10-year old girl can be laid squarely at the feet of Americans who elected Joe Biden. Their squeamish fear of “mean Tweets” from Donald Trump has now – perhaps inevitably – led to a pre-teen girl being passed around a tent in the desert for the “comfort” of Taliban thugs.

And to the millions of Afghanistan’s citizens who trusted America to keep our word – or at the very least to carefully plan and execute our eventual withdrawal without throwing them to the wolves – Joe Biden this week sent a simple message: “See ya, suckers!”
So now what? In just eight months, America’s image as a superpower has been destroyed. Our energy independence has been eliminated (more nice imagery: Biden begging the OPEC cartel for help lowering our gas prices which – surprise – they refused to do.) Our major cities are becoming increasingly uninhabitable: in New York, a deranged monster ran up to a customer making an ATM withdrawal and attacked him with a hatchet. In Chicago’s ongoing killing field, 7-year old Serenity Broughton was shot and killed while hugging her 6-year old sister Aubrey in terror; their grandmother asked Tuesday “What kind of animal does this?” And on and on and on.
But our country is nevertheless being led by a man who thinks citizens marching on the U.S. Capitol to demand election accountability represent “the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.” His laughable Vice President Kamala Harris contends that supporting biological boys taking medals away from female athletes in sports competitions is a laudable concept. And as the CDC flails about literally making up vaccination rules day by day with no rhyme nor reason – certainly without “following the science” LOLOL – the singular focus of Joe Biden’s incompetent administration is to marshall the awesome power of the federal government to discredit “red State governors” who question Biden’s BB-in-a-pie-plate directives on masks and vaccines.

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Is there any GOOD news, you ask? Yes. Disgraced New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will finally be gone next Tuesday (although not before he applied for his lifetime $50,000 taxpayer-funded pension.) And on the West Coast if the polls are correct, buffoonish Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom is likely to be recalled on September 14 and apparently will be replaced by a common sense conservative…radio talk show host Larry Elder.
But none of that helps Americans grappling with the Biden inflation rate – worst since 1982 – eroding their purchasing power in the grocery checkout lanes or at gasoline pumps. And we still face the moronic “open borders” policy of the Biden Administration…crying crocodile tears over the spread of COVID-19 while simultaneously shipping virus-infected illegals from our southern border to small towns all over America. And disgracefully blaming our courageous police while coddling violent criminals with $950-a-day shoplifting allowancesand no cash-bail policies which quickly return lawbreakers to prey on decent citizens once again.

On his radio show Tuesday, Dan Bongino posed the question: “If you were trying to destroy America…what would you do differently than what Joe Biden is doing." He has a point: Biden – or his wife or whoever is actually telling him what to do – has in short-order shamed and humiliated America on the world stage…caused our energy independence built by President Trump to evaporate…and has simply looked the other way as our big cities deteriorate into something out of a Wes Craven horror film.
But at the end of the day, we should not blame an amiable dunce like Joe Biden for where America has headed since January 20.
No, the fault – and the eternal shame – rests squarely at the feet of the voters whose naivete and myopic perspectives placed him in the Oval Office.

All DPST voters have Afghani Blood On Their Hands!!
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