If the price were right, would you assist LE in busting big-time providers?

If they sit you down and offer you a large sum to bust your favorite provider(s) would you do it?

I doubt that question would be answered.

Would you assist in busting a big time provider who you've never seen? For a good amount?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Stupid question and thread, or at least to me it is. JMHO.

If you are in dire need of attention and want to start another thread that could get interesting, try starting one about would a person help LE if he knew guys were seeing 15 year old hookers.
jacksparrow's Avatar
not such a really smart question,
LE doesn't have to pay you, all they have to do is bust you for anything they feel or think is breaking the law, after that they probably tell you the only way to get out of it is to help them. remember they enforce the law they can do whatever they want, even if it is not right
right, so with $15,000 would you assist in aprehending a top notch provider?

Basically, how loyal are any of you guys to the hobby world and people in it?

Can you be bought out?

Also, Dear Joh, calm down. Think objectively.

"try starting one about would a person help LE if he knew guys were seeing 15 year old hookers."

Okkkkk? How about starting one to see if anyone would help LE bust guys who are selling cocaine to 15 year olds? Or would we help LE bust guys who have committed murder..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaay more interesting!! Way more interesting than challenging mens' loyalty to something they enjoy.

Remember, movies relating to mafias and people turning against the family/snitching/breaking loyalties make for very interesting and entertaining stories so get the fuck off my back with you dumbass opinions..
Man are you serious??????????????????????? ???
gearslut's Avatar
I'd help them bust you for free if it would prevent another world's most stupid fucking thread...Go post worthless shit like this on CL.
ANONONE's Avatar
No, I would not do it--I would not even consider such evil.

Good luck getting laid for any price after starting this idiotic thread. I see a drought in your future. I hope your winkie doesn't wither and fall off out in the cold wind of hobby exile.
Big Joe's Avatar
I concur this a stupid thread your asking hobbyists if they would help destroy their hobby... Are you dumb?
anakin's Avatar
snitches end up in ditches
I concur this a stupid thread your asking hobbyists if they would help destroy their hobby... Are you dumb? Originally Posted by Big Joe
So hobbying is priceless?

I'm asking because I read a thread in the alerts section where they said Vice are hitting up the scene hard and not playing by the rules.

Before reading that I thought LE didn't care much about busting providers.

Look, I know it's an uncomfortable thread. There's a provider in particular that I wouldn't rat out for all the money in the world.

But honestly, I think of the times I've gotten hung up on when telling certain BP providers my race and to tell you the truth even a little $500 reward wouldn't deter me from setting up one of my caucasian male friends with these NBA providers if it was necessary.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
There is an Axiom (maybe more like a Mantra) in Ju Jitsu:

Pain is Temporary; Pride is Forever; Never Surrender.

So lets ask some more stupid questions:

How much money would it take to cut one of your limbs off

How about to Rat out your Country

I know, to sell one of your children.

And I suspect if you Rat anyone out - the 1st time you may get SOMETHING;
however, then you are going to be a FREE RAT SLAVE for the rest of your life.

I know, how much would you pay/accept for BBFS ?
cmspec's Avatar
You can't fix stupid...
ANONONE's Avatar

Look, I know it's an uncomfortable thread. Originally Posted by coefficient
No, it is a stupid thread, and you should not be shocked at how many posts will be made on it that are not at all uncomfortable with telling you just how stupid it is.

If I were you, I would come to my senses, realize why it is a dumb thread on a hobby board, and then hit that RTM button and plead temporary insanity and ask a mod to close it.

. . .but what do I know?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
No, it is a stupid thread, and you should not be shocked at how many post will be made on it that are not at all uncomfortable with telling you just how stupid it is.

If I were you, I would come to my senses, realize why it is a dumb thread on a hobby board, and then hit that RTM button and plead temporary insanity and ask a mod to close it.

. . .but what do I know? Originally Posted by ANONONE
I have a feeling Temporary may not be completely truthful.

But again....... . .but what do I know?
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 06-12-2010, 11:38 AM
Stupid Question. Stupid person for asking it.