I Did not know where to post this at...

Jenna Wild's Avatar
To all my gents thanks for all the pm's , emails , and calls .
I am still Available and can be reached thru Eccie or p411
regular clients you have my number and email.
only! I had a traumatizing moment with a new client off BP
Wed night , So if i can not verify who you are i will not see you.
I welcome any Verified lady to Pm me i will give number and description
Due to the fact this person said they were just a browser of eccie
i assumed it was a green light (Live and learn). I will heal over the weekend and start taking appointment monday.

screen, screen, screen young lady
CivilBarrister's Avatar
hornfreak's Avatar
Dammn it! It's pricks like that that make it difficult on the rest of us.Hope you're ok.
Jenna Wild's Avatar
I have posted the alert in the Providers section , Pm me for the rest and you MUST be a Verified provider!!!

Ps . I would love to see the day that eccie would not allow free browsing of the site , I know that this is not p411 , and i really love this site,But from what i learned from this p*mp he will give well known handle names as well as his tricks that are his references that are only registered providers.
So as i learned the hard way and i fully understand when you a a newbie you think it will not happen to you. With all said i am well and alive . Live and learn and now screen , screen ,screen.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

You can help protect other providers by calling the police. You will not be prosecuted by reporting a crime committed against you. This guy belongs in prison.

I see you already posted an alert in one section.

You might also want to put his information here:




I wish you the best in coping with this traumatizing event.
ratboy jam's Avatar
IMHO, whenever a provider is given a name or reference, she should PM the name and have that as one more verification.

Hope all goes well and it shows that not only the ladies might be more suspect on bp but the men seem to be also.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'm so sorry this happened too you. You are in my prayers.
Guest091710's Avatar
i wish You the best if You would ever like to talk pls feel free to contact me, ive also learned some tips and tricks id be willing to share w You on screening if You would like. i wish You only the best, hugs.
Guest091710's Avatar
pls post alert here to help protect Your fellow Providers
