Driver or pimp?

The question was recently posed on the Mississippi coed board and I wanted the opinions of those of you on here. Can a driver just be a driver? Or are they a pimp? If they aren't compensated, other than paying for gas, are they something more than a driver?
Carguy350's Avatar
Why would someone want to do that for only replacement of of gas? Especially in the event of a setup and you're busted. Chances are he's going down too.
Precious_b's Avatar
You're going to find that more than one Hobbyist will say that ANY GUY is a Pimp if they see them on ingress/egress to meeting a Provider.
Even if it is a random person they pass that is going to the vending machine.
Is it beyond reason that we ladies can have friends who care deeply about our well being and want to make sure that we get home safely to our loved ones? Most of us ladies have lives beyond this world and have people who care enough to make sure that we're okay.
And the gas money is my condition. They always offer to drive me for nothing.
Carguy350's Avatar
Well to a John. Anyou male taking care of you in anyway will be looked at as a pimp. Regardless of the true.

Just the way it is unfortunately. As everyone knows nothing is for free. At the very least johns will think he's doing it to get free pussy
The funniest part is if I offered to suck his dick, it would make him puke. He doesn't like ladies that way at all. I've known him since I was a teenager. But perception is reality, right?
holmes50's Avatar
You're going to find that more than one Hobbyist will say that ANY GUY is a Pimp if they see them on ingress/egress to meeting a Provider.
Even if it is a random person they pass that is going to the vending machine. Originally Posted by Precious_b
What he said.

At the end of day the provider and the hobbyist have to do what is safe for them selves. These days I prefer to play in the comforts of my own home, there is no way she is being dropped off and picked up much less him waiting in the drive way.

Again you have to do what is right for you.....having a man/friend/brother, etc in my presence ain't working for me.
Carguy350's Avatar
The funniest part is if I offered to suck his dick, it would make him puke. He doesn't like ladies that way at all. I've known him since I was a teenager. But perception is reality, right? Originally Posted by Lily Kat Wood
Exactly. And it sucks when what people think is the truth isn't. But it doesn't matter in this kind of situation.
Just save and get your own car, or use UBER to drop you off... That way no one waits around and has the guys freaking out and loosing their nerve to see you...If you are that scared to see guys in out call settings, then by all means text a friend to say hey I am here at so and so, and then text when you are safely in your car or UBER leaving the appt. Just my .02
Precious_b's Avatar
Is it beyond reason that we ladies can have friends who care deeply about our well being and want to make sure that we get home safely to our loved ones? Most of us ladies have lives beyond this world and have people who care enough to make sure that we're okay. Originally Posted by Lily Kat Wood
No. It is not beyond reason.
That is just the way alot of Hobbyist look at it for some reason that is only known to each one individually.

I have helped Providers in the past (and taken no compensation in any way/shape/form) by taking them to an incall, standing by for phone call to say things are ok, pick them up, etc.

Does that make me a Pimp because I helped them without any form of payment? You'd have to ask the Hobbyist that visited them *IF* they had known I did that.
I have friends I care for deeply, but not going to drive them around for safety sake while they do something illegal. He is getting something out of it. Friends might do this once or in a special circumstance but not on an ongoing thing. He wants something or is getting something. If he really cared for you, he would ask you to stop putting yourself in dangerous places. You know which clients are safer and when your taking more risk. Stop the risk and just see safer dudes.
Btw what you describe, he is not a pimp, but I do not believe he is getting nothing. A pimp gets benefit from his ladies.
He could be a driver.
But I can't see someone put themselves at risk for a provider... For little to nothing.
So could be a pimp or boyfriend. You never really know these days.
myren1900's Avatar
To me a pimp is a person who tells the provider what to do and demands a significant part of her earnings.

As a client I have given AMP girls I knew a ride home from their work after our session or picked them up at her home before it, and I had had a few buy me lunch - they insisted - but that hardly makes me a pimp. They just like to save the taxi expense. I get nothing in return except perhaps a better session because she is in a good mood. I would never consider driving them to another client's place.