Man sleeps With sex doll wife says its ok

pickupkid's Avatar

She speaks out "Its Better than if he had a mistress."

So he is happy, she is happy, she doesn't have to sex anymore.
pyramider's Avatar
He is enjoying life since now he does not have to endure the nagging.
pickupkid's Avatar
In China olden days... Its was common to have a wife and a Mistress. THey were both treated well and cared for. The Misstress for Sex The Wife For a companion and they all lived in the same house. Why can't we have that?
pyramider's Avatar
Bitches be jealous.
Satyrrical's Avatar
In China olden days... Its was common to have a wife and a Mistress. THey were both treated well and cared for. The Misstress for Sex The Wife For a companion and they all lived in the same house. Why can't we have that? Originally Posted by pickupkid
The mistress would eventually cop the same attitude as the wife and then you have two women who don’t want sex living with you.
Cheesecake7's Avatar
The mistress would eventually cop the same attitude as the wife and then you have two women who don’t want sex living with you. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
That is funny! That's why you need a plastic doll to fuck. Alternatively, you you can f**k your brains out with the hotties on this board. It may be a life saver for your marriage.

I have joked with a provider recently about how many marriages she has probably saved during her career. Given that a lot of women in marriage loose sexual interest due to menopause, disease etc it leaves the testosterone laden husband being unhappy and porn addicted. Probably better to f**k a real life pussy and go back happy to your non-sexual wife.
pyramider's Avatar
I wonder how many marriages I have saved by fucking the wives of fucktards that thinck she has no interest in sex?
And people wonder WHY I am happily a bachelor!
The AI sex doll can talk.It's amazing!
pyramider's Avatar
Why would one want it to talk?
ck1942's Avatar

Well, who else is gonna tell ya to:

Bang it in there big fella!

Damn! That is one hella big cock!

Nobody can make me cum like you do!

Silicone sex doll or women,choose which one you like.
pyramider's Avatar

Well, who else is gonna tell ya to:

Bang it in there big fella!

Damn! That is one hella big cock!

Nobody can make me cum like you do!

ijs Originally Posted by ck1942
More likely with AI it would be:

Are you done yet?


Not tonight I have a headache.
ck1942's Avatar
Or, perhaps ...

Doll: Welcome home, honey! How was work?


Doll: Awwwww! How about a blow job to cheer you up?

Man: No thanks. Just wanna fuck!

Doll: FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Doesn't anyone eat pussy anymore?
HoustonRiley's Avatar
At least it's not cheating.
But as for me it's kind of strange.
Like it could turn into their fetish.
And I don't know how I'd feel about my husband having some strange doll fetish.