Time to turn to porn

Ain’t no joke!!!
Jon Colden's Avatar
The statistics certainly are discouraging. New York is the USA's ground zero. 1 in 5 who contract it require hospitalization, and of those, 1 in 6 or so can't be saved and they perish. No one has any immunity yet.

People who are asymptomatic can still communicate the virus to others. Cases in Albany County nearly double overnight. We're ahead of the game in NYS, in terms of mortality, so far, but if the numbers keep growing and more respirators don't show up miraculously, we'll see that change for the worse. And an imbecile in the White House to lie at every opportunity.

And how likely are our local providers to have adequate medical care and attention? But a couple of weeks of prudence, and maybe the crest passes and we can round the corner.
You nailed it
The only thing we're going to be nailing for a while?
chaterabate or the wife lol
Dagnabbit's Avatar
A fair number of providers do custom porn now, paid thru either websites or venmo-type apps. If you have a favorite you'd like to support, you might consider commissioning a scene. It's not the same, but it can still be hot, and as mentioned on another thread, the gals may really need the money. Of course, we are not immune to hard times either, so this only applies to those whose income hasn't been disrupted.
The hospitals are filling up rapidly as you head toward the city. Just a trickle now. All elective procedures are cancelled. As testing (what testing) ramps up , we'll really find out how bad it is.
I at least can work from home most days, but we need to staff the place enough to run the equipment and get calls when we're needed.
We'll be Italy soon enough.
No one is gonna just change what they do in sessions? Ur just gonna stop all together or take care of urself ?
That doesn't sound good. Just alter ur activities..

Even before this i kept sanitizer in every room..
I can make some suggestions to help u plat safely and u can still have a great time..
Let me know (here) if ur interested in some advice on how to play safely during this epidemic..