I Think Biden is Choosing Susan Rice as His Running Mate...

Chung Tran's Avatar
she has a singular negative.. her strong association with Benghazi.. I remember she made the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows, the morning after 4 Americans were killed. lied her way through several interviews, serving as the Fall Girl for the Obama Administration's failure there.

but she has many positives.. Foreign Policy experience, Rhodes Scholar, Stanford Grad.. BLACK. and has worked with Biden for years.

she blows away every other VP candidate.. Warren, Lance-Bottoms, Demmings.. even Duckworth.

the major question people seem to have is "who can easily take over as President on that day when Biden (if elected) will inevitably cede power before his 4-year term concludes"?

Elizabeth Warren CAN. Rice is the only other candidate who can, and Rice is a much stronger choice.. my opinion.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 07-28-2020, 11:03 PM
If Biden had any smarts, he would have chosen Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate,

Very, very anti-war position
Pretty moderate positions across a variety of issues
and, yeah.. attractive.

Biden choosing a black running mate doesn't change the fact that he said some of the most insanely fucking racist things during his campaign and during his career. And the fact that he clearly as dementia.
adav8s28's Avatar
she has a singular negative.. her strong association with Benghazi.. I remember she made the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows, the morning after 4 Americans were killed. lied her way through several interviews, serving as the Fall Girl for the Obama Administration's failure there.

but she has many positives.. Foreign Policy experience, Rhodes Scholar, Stanford Grad.. BLACK. and has worked with Biden for years.

she blows away every other VP candidate.. Warren, Lance-Bottoms, Demmings.. even Duckworth.

the major question people seem to have is "who can easily take over as President on that day when Biden (if elected) will inevitably cede power before his 4-year term concludes"?

Elizabeth Warren CAN. Rice is the only other candidate who can, and Rice is a much stronger choice.. my opinion. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Rice has never run for office. Biden would be better off with Harris, Demmings, Lance-Bottoms or Gov. Whitmer. Warren good at debate but lost her home state (Mass) in the primaries.
baldbrotha1's Avatar
I think ALL the points made thus far are valid. Biden needs a VP to garner votes as well. We cant look past winning the election to his 4th year respectively. Hes said some things and made mistakes, but none worst than #45! I love Lance-Bottoms but i dont think she can bring alot of voter power with her. Rice is a great choice looking at the size of CA but her police ties in LA is probably going to be a hurdle. I think black woman is the way to go! Gotta find the right one!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Regardless of who he choses (or who gets chosen for him by the Liberals), I have no doubt that all those deaths by covid-19 will be the voting Democrat via mail in ballots.
  • oeb11
  • 07-29-2020, 08:38 AM
The DPST's are making the election a choice between trump and his radical VP - who will be elevated to POTUS y 25th amendment.

Sad for our country we cannot do the reverse - put up Pence for POTUS.

Rice is a just another race-baiter hater marxist Liar.
What about the accidental "technical glitch" from Politico about Kamala Harris. Doesn't look accidental to me.

He had to be reminded about not holding a grudge against Harris also. It is amazing that this man is a potential president, he is truly a puppet.

dallasfan's Avatar
Rice is probably the best option out of the bunch. Need to get some youth into this thing.

I couldn’t image a Biden/Warren trump/pence square off where the average age is in the 70s. Lol
Joddxxx's Avatar
It will be Joe Biden/Kamela Harris, but they’ll the election.
txexetoo's Avatar
it doesnt matter who he picks. Trump will steamroll them in Nov
Trump 2020!!!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think Rice is a great pick. And for being the fall guy for Benghazi, not really. She was given bad talking points by career CIA officers. But, I dint think Biden picks her, Think she’s the ine he’s most comfortable with. She’ll be Secretary of State. I think he’ll pick a Harris. She’s the most moderate potential other than Klobuchar, and her prosecutorial baggage is heavier than Kamala. Dark horse is Karen Bass. Very capable and Universally well liked.

I’d love to see Stacy Abrams or Elizabeth Warren, but I dint think I’m going to get my wish.
It would be foolish of Joe to pick any of the black women mentioned, especially Harris, who put 1500 [illegal substance] smokers in jail. He has the black vote in the bag anyway - it isn't smart politics when you have a golden ticket to give it to someone who would vote for you anyway.

If he and his handlers were smart, they would pick Tammy Duckworth, the Asian lady with the Purple Heart. The Democrats need to seriously consider that they are going to lose the vote of hard working, taxpaying Asian people if they kowtow to and continue to kiss the ass of the BLM movement.
with todays politics as they are, I can only say one thing!!!!"Where the Hell is Harry Truman when we really need him"!!!!!!